how to get into chinese markets?

there are tons of chinese android markets we should post our apps to, but they all ask for national ID before registration.
is there a way to get into them without having to be chinese?

Thats a good question. Anyone?

You’d better ignore Chinese app stores and ask Google for ignoring Chinese developers :-). It’s not fair when Chinese developers can sell their apps everywhere but we can’t do that in China (Chinese government blocked Google Play).

We were struggling to get out free game in there, but most of them asking for a live chinese mobile phone number, and address, etc… so we gave up.

Eventually most of the sites picked and uploaded our game to their website,

One of our free games went to most of Chinese site without us doing anything.

There are also some sites where your app maybe posted - but contains their ads.

And some where it seems like it is your app, but the APK is completely different i.e. they are essentially the same (virus or whatever) app.

List of marketplaces:
List of Android Appstores - One Platform Foundation

Another list:
Daniel Zhao | Portfolio » Tag » Android App Stores in China

Translation service:
OneSky - Translation Service, Translation Management Platform and Collaborative Translation Solutions
She used to spam me a few times, but I never used it. But if I remember well, they also submitted apps to Chinese stores. That’s the way to go.

Hard because chinese markets wants usualy their “red national ID”, or papers that u have company in china. Good to use some suppliers/submiters but is this worth? Ad networks haven’t ads for china and they have too big piracy to release paid versions. For what? For 0.001 ecpm? :slight_smile:

I am trying to get into Chinese Markets since 3 weeks. I think the best solution is working with local partner. I have contacted with yodo1 but their criterias didn’t fit my app so they rejected me. Than I tried AppFlood but their support agent are don’t understand anything unless you say it 10 times.
Result; I did’t find any local Chinese Partner but I am trying harder.

I suggest If your app have good quality you should try Yodo1.

From what I read about it, partnering with a local does seem like a good solution, but most of us don’t have much chance to do that, so it makes matter extremely difficult. Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience with Appflood, cos they seem quite fitting - there are based in China Beijing and have first-hand info about that market (check this out: How to successfully get your app into China). What you could do is use their cross-promotion network and exchange your traffic (for free) with some Chinese developers. This way your App would get directly to Chinese audience.

It seems you are working for AppFlood.(You have 2 posts and you are making a big deal about AppFlood). If you are big fan(!) listen this. I am trying to contact you exactly from 1 December and your coworkers are not even read my email. 10 days past and we had 24 mail conversations than finally he decide to read what I write and met me with Chinese Guy I asked him some questions about your(!) business. But unfortunately no one has answered my questions yet.

I think AppFlood is not the best solution for get into Chinese Market.

I found a couple of day before Chinese application distributor like CodeNgo. You upload once and they distribute it to 36 Chinese markets, but you need to register to each one.
It’s hard mission. :slight_smile: With using Chrome translating feature I successfully registered in 21 of them. You can try it: ?? - ??? | APP??????????????

did u need chinese ID ?

No, you don’t. You can use company id or you personal id.
You need QQ and sometime cheat with phone number.

haha, yea you’re right I work for Appflood, but I don’t contact the clients directly, they do that in another section of the company. So - I’m sad you’ve been provided a disappointing service :frowning: If you want, you can ask me some questions here or in pm, and I will try to reply best to my knowledge or ask someone else to give the exact details you need.
Btw, whom did you meet with? You mean in rl or on Skype or… ? Im just surprised if you met, why wouldnt they answer your questions.

I don’t need to PM you if you capable to answer questions you can answer them in public.
By the way finally your Chinese guy Chang Lee (You wanted names!) replied my email but he also didn’t read carefully. Instead of answering my question he offered me sell traffic from China ! Thats ridiculous !!! Obviously AppFlood employees are not even try to read their customers emails it shows they don’t care us.

If you really want to answer some questions. Here were my questions;

[i][i][i]I have an Android game on Google Play store which has been downloaded over 180K since 23 October 2013. The game has 40K active users and according to last 7 days average daily download is 3K.

I want to get into Chinese App Market and since I am using Unity 3D we can release both on Android and Apple Markets.(Even Blackberry,WP8 or Win8). So with that purpose I have some questions for you;

Can you please give me a very very detailed information about your business ?
How it is working ?
How many ad networks and markets are we gonna use ?
What kind of monetization networks are we use ?
Am I going to integrate some sdks to my game ?
What is the possible income prediction for my game ?
What is the percentage of my share on this ?
How am I get my funds from you ?
Are my funds will be trackable daily or not ?

Thats quite good stats already, congrats droider! Can I ask you also what’s the name of your App and what region is it from exactly? It would help us determine more precise answers to your questions.

APP NAME: Toy Car Racing 3D
Most of my users are coming from Turkey,Russia, Saudi Arabia,Brazil, Germany and USA.

Hi droider,

I’m Kaitlin from AppFlood. I’m very sorry we’ve had this confusion but I hope the email we sent you yesterday can clear it up. I’ve included the email below as well, I think it answers all the questions you’ve posted. To go forward you can get in touch with Rich who sent you the email. Here it is:

Apologies for the confusion, let me try and clear this up. AppFlood is a Global Ad Network and our focus is global traffic including US, Europe, Asia and Middle East.

First let me answer your question:

Do you capable of publishing apps on other Chinese markets or NOT?
If you have a high advertising budget then YES. If you don’t, then NO but we can give you advice how to self-publish on the top app stores in China…

We have a recent initiative called “Gateway To China” to help developers with large budgets enter China. The Chinese app market is quite different to other markets so you need to spend money to get users. What is your planned advertising budget for Chinese users?

If you don’t have a high advertising budget, we have some advice for you how to get you can self-publish your apps into the Chinese markets because Google Play is blocked. This blog post gives some advice how you can do that -

I’ve also answered all your questions about AppFlood below. If you need help getting set up just let us know.

Can you please give me a very very detailed information about your business?
AppFlood is a global ad network for app advertisers (Buying traffic) and publishers (Selling traffic).

We specialize in transparency, control and analytics. Once you join AppFlood you’ll be able to see every other developer who is currently on the network and know many details about the traffic they have. You also get access to some advanced analytics which help you better understand how to optimize and spot opportunities for making more revenue or getting more traffic.

How it is working?
As a publisher, to start earning money you need to install our SDK and integrate some ad formats. You’ll then start accumulating revenue immediately.

SDK is here: Integration Package for Welcome Email
Adding your apps guide is here - Android Integration Guide
Free ebook “How to monetize with mobile Ads” - Free monetization ebook

As an advertiser, to start buying traffic you need to deposit money into your account after installing our SDK. If you don’t have a budget, you can also wait for your funds to grow from your publisher earnings and then use that revenue you earned to buy more traffic.

You can find many details on our website at, especially in our FAQ and Knowledge base section.

If you are looking for distribution in China, we can distribute your app on our partner app stores but we need to first know what your intended budget for China is. The process for distribution in China is different to our regular distribution so we’ll need to know more about how much traffic you intend to buy in China.

How many ad networks and markets are we gonna use?
AppFlood has it’s own network of app developers buying and selling traffic. We also have about 5-10 other networks we connect with. This changes from time to time but with our transparency features you can always check in the dash board exactly with who is buying or selling your traffic.

What kind of monetization networks are we use?
AppFlood is a monetization network with our own network of Ad Buyers. We also have buyers from other networks including Leadbolt, mobvista, motive, vserv, altrooz

What is the possible income prediction for my game ?
There are many variables that need to be known before we can make an accurate prediction. Could you let me know the following and I should be able to give you an estimate.

1 - What is your traffic breakdown by country?
2 - What kind of ads would you like to integrate and how often per user session do you want to display them?
3 - What was your average DAU for the past month? What was your MAU?
4 - How many times does each user open your app per day?

If you can provide this information we can give a rough estimate.

Generally we can earn you anywhere between $0.30 to $4 per thousand ad impressions but this depends on the country of your traffic, the kinds of ads you integrate and how you integrate them.

What is the percentage of my share on this?

How am I get my funds from you?
Bank transfer or Paypal - see our FAQs for details FAQs

Are my funds will be trackable daily or not ?
Yes you can check daily in your account.

If you’d like to talk to me directly, please feel free to add my Skype

Hi, asmina, I am a Chinese Android developer. Maybe we can cooperate?

If any of you need to read more about the chinese market in General, here’s an article I wrote not so long ago. China does have very different rules in terms of dstribution:
Mobile China - Huge Potential, Different Rules - Business 2 Community

Hope this helps.