How to boost app to top 3 easily?

Data shows that the top 3 apps account for the 75% search traffics, and over 65% users discover new apps on the app stores, then boost app ranking on the app stores is one of the most effective ways to market app, while there are millions of apps on the app stores, buy we can aslo boost app ranking to top 3 easily with the following methods:

Target low competition and low traffic keywords
At the first stage, you can target low competition and low traffic keywords, which are much easier to rank for. After gaining some downloads, start using keywords with higher traffic and reasonable difficulty. They help your app stack up more downloads.

Buy keywords search installs
You can buy keywords search installs from third parties, I would highly suggest you boost app ranking with this method, which can boost your app keywords ranking in hours.ASOTOP1 provides this kind of service, which supports multiple countries for you to choose from, get your app targeted precisely. If there is no improvement, money back guarantee, it’s really a reliable choice.

Optimizing Reviews
The keyphrases used by your app users in the reviews can be used by the app keyword ranking algorithm to rank your app. The keywords used in the reviews will also help your app rank in search engine results, thus driving more traffic. Maybe we can’t control which keywords the users review our app, but we can get keyword reviews from third parties, like bestreviewapp. What’s more, 88% users trust reviews as much as personal recommendations, users will be convinced when they see your app have gained many positive reviews from your former or existing users and choose your app.

Keep ratings downloads high
Ratings also play an important part in app ranking algorithem. Another important thing that app stores assess is the total number of downloads that has been done using its specific algorithm. This is turn gives a fair bit of idea as to how much response your app has been getting which in turn helps them rank your app accordingly.

Hope these methods are useful to u.