How much to ask for my app ?

When my app had 500 downloads per day I asked for an evaluation to the apptopia guys and they said that my app was valued between 10k and 15k… then I listed my app for 13.5k but I had no luck.

Nowadays my app have 1200-1500 downloads per day so I want to sell it for a fair price, I have about 50-60k imps per day and everythings seems good. The point is, how much should I ask for my app if I want to sell it quick for a fair price ? and where should I list it ? is apptopia the best place ?

Currently I have 42400 downloads from the following countries:

Spain … 8520
Mexico … 6716
Germany … 3181
Colombia … 2771
India … 2771
Chile … 2321
Brazil … 2136
Argentina … 1991
Italy … 1708
Netherlands 1088
Others … 9192

I also have a nice audience from South Africa, US, UK and Arabia Saudi according with statistics from my ad network.

I just want to sell this app kind of quick because it was my first app and now I want leave apps to focus on games, so what do you guys think ? Thanks in advance. :smiley:

The price for an app, depends on a large number of conditions.
500 Downloads a day… % that keeps it?
Type of Monetization. Banner Ads, interstitial Ads, In App Purchase, or All.
Best Country for app
Are you making $1, $10, $100, $1000 on this app via your monetization?
How did you do this? Pure App Search or did you also do paid advertising.

I run into many people that think their apps can see for 10K and to recoup that money today can be quite a achievement. People think they can predict how an app will go, ie: Flappy Birds. I think most people would have looked at flappy bird and say something to the effect. dude that app is complete crap LOL, it JUST so happened it caught on and blah blah… Bottom line is, you app is valued at what it makes for you a month, X3-5 or if you think it will be hot for the entire year, maybe X6 and the purchaser can get another 6 months out of it. Ya never know… all that said, if someone is giving you $10K for your app, go for it. GL