Has anyone used TapContext?

Hello guys.

I recently got an email from TapContext asking me to join. The email mentioned that I will get $100 for signing up and installing their SDK. I sign up installed their SDK in one of my apps. Their stats are updated every 5 minutes. So far, the earnings are quite ok.

I just want to know whether anyone used TapContext and what is their experience of using it?

Here is the link to TapContext


You’re so clever.

Don’t use. They counted 7k of 20k download. Completely pathetic…

Hello @winkan,

I would be happy to look into this for you. Can you PM the email address you used when you signed up? It is important to note that we pay on a per click basis, and the install counts are simply provided as an additional data point, but they wouldn’t affect your earnings.

It’s possible that what you are seeing is a result of the fact that we only count the first unique install of the sdk per developer, so if you had 3 apps with a total of 20k downloads, you might only see 7k installs, if there was an even distribution amongst the 3.


Hi, I’m using TapContext since last week. And - so far so good. Hope it will be so good in next few days… If anyone want to register - I would be very happy if you would register through my TacpContext reference link - You don’t waste anything and it helps me.

Tapcontext, Tell me, are your sdk compliant with google policy? my app was suspended of using your sdk, this is the message for the notification:

REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of the dangerous products provision of the Content Policy:
Applications that cause users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play are prohibited.

I think your Antivirus scanner ARMOR causes it, cause the app was not located to playstore.

Tell me what to do. Thanks

OMG really??
it’s scary!

Yes! I emailed them already and they are not replying, there support was slow!

If your app got suspended due to their ad, this is a very serious thing. please update this thread when you receive a replay.

these days im getting $0.40-0.50 ecpm which is not what they promised. im thinking to remove TapContext because im taking a risk for nothing

yeah, it’s really huge risk if the ads itself are dangerous :frowning:

yeah I will, I also used Mobario and suspected that can be the caused but when i checked their ads, i see nothing wrong like what the email notifications says… unlike on Tapcontext, their Virus scanner interstitial will redirect you to an outside google play source if you click it, and maybe i guess its the reason. I did unpublish my apps that used their sdk to be safe.

but how do google find out?
is it because some rage user complaining about it?
or google can auto-check it?

any clue?

Maybe they had auto-checked it, I am using tapcontext all of my apps but the one that got suspended was the one who got the very most traffic and got 2,000+ downloads per day, I guess theyll check it if they see your apps is pioneering and got lots of traffic.

hmmm ok got it, thx
so the one mostly dangerous of suspension check is the one who is famous and get many download O.o

We have over 4,000 developers using our SDK in over 12,000 apps. We have never had a developer suspended.

Our SDK in no way causes users to download or install applications from outside Google Play. This sentence in the policy is intended to reference apps with trojan viruses which would, without a user knowing, download and/or install out of market applications onto the users device. This would indeed be dangerous to the user, and thus the reason it is in the dangerous products section of the policy.

The contextual advertisement for Armor for Android which you reference contains an antivirus scanner that is a part of the application that the SDK is resident in, it is not a separate app that is installed or downloaded to the users device. The advertisement contains a link to a third-party website selling an out-of-market version of Armor for Android. If the user purchases, they can then voluntarily download and install the out of market Armor for Android app. Armor for Android is a large advertiser that advertises on several other networks as well, all without any issues we have seen in our due diligence.

“We have over 4,000 developers using our SDK in over 12,000 apps. We have never had a developer suspended.” But now my app was suspended. you have 1 now.
Then, can you explain why my app was suspended? this sentence from google “Applications that cause users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play are prohibited.” that’s what your advertisement have, contains link to a website selling on OUT-of-Market version of Armor for Android. That’s it, even if its voluntarily download, it is still cause users to download and install your non market app.

TapContext, You didnt even replied to my emails, thats why i posted it here!

Ok Tapcontext, maybe your intrestitial would be ok, but I also used your new Banner ad, your banner ad had a text “Android is in danger and you have to perform a virus scan” sometimes “Virus affecting your android?” and when I tap it, it wil redirect to a page where you can download an apk, but the problem was, I or the user could not even recognized what is the name of the app, it just says a “Scan for Viruses & Spyware, Scanning for viruses and spyware is recommended for your android” with a button “Download & Scan Free Now”, the question was, what is this the user is going to download? It was now categorized as an UNKNOWN source, theres no name of ARMOR in that page, and when i download its an apk with a filename “Scan-For-Viruses-Now.apk” it was suspicious i guess! Maybe its the problem, My other apps used your sdk without the banner ad are in good standing, only one of my app suspended and this app was using your banner ad. I am waiting for your response.

Ah! that’s why TapContext has no mediation support for admob banners. Thanks for posting this. @TapContext, even if we as developers earn $1-$1.5 as ecpm (instead of your $5 ecpm), it is ok as long as you comply with google. One thing you can do prove that you are in compliance with google is by introducing your banners and interstitials in admob mediation officialy from admob UI.

I had come very close to integrating TapContext but this thread has helped me to stop integrating. Guys! pls consider whatever you see in admob mediation as compliant with google. Be cautious at this crucial turning point in Android story. We may see more app suspensions in next few months as google will want to show that warning about out-of-app ads was genuine and they care about Android.

One thing is that they did not uploaded their demo app on Google play, in this case they cant even tell that there has no problem regarding the compliance on their sdk on GPlay.