Google's new ads policy

I don’t think we will get a definite answer here regarding to new ads policy. But I will personally choose not to use any forms of exit ads.

Back button is not bringing you anywhere but previous activity, nobody can tell when I decide to place the last activity in my app so it is nonsense that they will judge if the activity is the last one or not… and secondly are you sure this policy is new? they only cleaned up the section and added some GIF image but I think the text was still there… anyway it is Google and their policies continue being vague, everyone should take own responsibility reading those.

I am not talking about in between activities…Its about from Main activity to home screen…yeah it’s in their new policy particularly…

Maybe you retained your ads that is using back button to exit, tell us after a few months what’s the result, this will end the argument here, also we will be thankful to you.

Do you guys think that overriding backpress during Splash screen activity (which leads to an Interstitial Ad) is allowed? so not allow the user to exit the App until SplashScreen is finished (of course the Interstitial Ad can be closed with backpress)

I am also looking for this …I think it’s not allowed with new policy change…


I have admob account verified address and bank account.
Ex: My name is John Doe.
My friend has admob account verified address and bank account with his own name.
Now my friend closed his bank account.
He want to use one of my bank accounts.
Is it ok to give him one of my bank account, name is same John Doe but iban number and bank is different.

My admob bank account:
John Doe
Bank deutsche bank
iban: 123123123

My friends admob bank account:
John Doe
Bank italia bank
iban: 321321312

I used different bank iban with the same name and had no problem. I don’t think they can get any information from iban.

So who is deleting OnBackPress ads?

I will keep them disabled in new apps or when I update an old App. But I have no time to disable them in all my Apps within next week for sure… so I’ll have to risk keeping them.

I updated some of my apps with exit ads like it was (2 weeks ago) and I got any warning or ban from them, so I think ban hammer will coming in april or its still allowed. Only on home button like it was its not allowed I think , but still im waiting to update all of my apps I want to be sure.

Added splash screen for my top apps and removed exit ads for small apps…so no backpress ads …still I am waiting for my friend apps and he’s using exit apps and he has 1mil plus downloads

Are you sure that onbackpressed is not allowed ?

Nobody is sure… just worried^^

There is this developer that we all might be aware of “Dexati”. He has started updating his apps removing the backpressed ads. You can check in the below app.

He has contacts at google too. :slight_smile:

How do you know he has contacts at google? now him directly?