google play security warning

Hi, i just got the following warning
“Your app is using a version of libpng containing a security vulnerability”

did anybody else get this? I don’t use this library directly, I wonder if it is from any advertising sdk

now they check all the apks for security vulnerability, it is usually something related to some network related vulnerabilities.

check which sdk is using the libpng or if you are using it and then just update it.

My error is : your app contains URL credentials, which is often unintentional.Only the apps with appodeal sdk in them seem to have this error.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

Yes I got the same warning but it was because I am using libpng in my app

today i received “fix Leaked Developer Credential” warning

my self also got this

I have it also… But won’t repair it - there is no sense.
They of course f ucked up the market when they were implementing it… When you will enter pub:devname there are random apps… Also i updated app 5 days ago, and in console i see “published”, but on market there is still old version

Got it too

i’d advise you to fix it, because they might remove apps from the store after 30 days depending on the issue.

Usually they wrote about it. The warning we talk is not a big mistake and they will not remove apps because of it

the URL warning is in sdk just update the last version or update appodeal sdk