[GAME] Sugar Monster [FREE]

Hey Guys,

Please allow me to present to you my luscious game The “Sugar Monster”

Download link from the play store:

It is about a little sugar monster that transforms into several shapes, bouncy as a ball, shoot bullets out of his head, has a jet come out of him and hover….etc
The game has an in app custom mini game system (Like a small console with retro games brought back to life).

Give it a try, and let me know what you think.


Hello guys,

Just a small update:

New Mini game is now added to the mini games pack of the “Sugar Monster”, here’s the “Sugar Helicopter”:

Please update your app to get the latest mini game, and let me know what you think, too hard?
Thank you

Hey, I’m checking out the game now. Right off the bat, I like the menus!

Cool game, so much content! I like the Mastermind-style mini game, that was always one of my favorites as a kid.
The main game is definitely challenging, which is not a bad thing. I like how you start off by rolling off a ramp to pick up speed, cool use of physics.
It reminded me of Sonic the hedgehog from Sega Genesis, which was an awesome platform/jumper game IMO. But, with all of the things that kill you in Sugar Monster, you really don’t want to go fast at all. I found myself inching along, trying to time out my auto-jumps (especially when trying to go under the spinning orange guys) to avoid dying.
The number of levels and upgrades is really impressive, and the game was bug free.

I rated/reviewed the app 5 stars. Nice work!

Thanks a lot kad335 for checking the game, and many thanks for the ratings !
Yep, always a fan of the old NES games which IMO will never be outdated, as for the autojump, there is a permanent upgrade to unlock later ( the small jet ) that will help you break the pattern of the autojump ; ) [when you unlock a power-up and when you click buy their is a complete description for the power-up that lets you know how and when to use it : ) ]

Again many thanks for your review