[Free] Xender File transfer and share

Get the easiest way to transfer file and app from one phone to other with high speed, no need for cable or Wifi or cellular connection and completely free unlimited data usage. Xender is designed to meet the need of the users to transfer file seamlessly with other devices and also iPhone devices thus supporting cross platform transfers.

You can share images, games, movie, videos, documents and even apps. Truly an amazing app because of the remarkable speed to file transfer. Demand for Xender is increasing day by day demonstrating more than 5 million users and 4.3 rating in Play Store. It support to listen to music, view images and play videos and transfer data in one click.

The main features of Xender include:

  • You can share images, games, movie, videos, documents and even apps.
  • Xender supports file transfer to multiple platforms even cross platform devices like Android and iOS devices.
  • File transfer speeds up to 50 times the speed of Bluetooth.
  • Supports unlimited data transfer
  • No cellular connection required
  • “Slide to transfer” is an interesting features that allows users to transfer images from one phone to another by sliding the pictures away.
  • “Phone replicate” helps to completely transfer all the data from one phone to other in one touch. Finally an easy way to swap phones!
  • Transfer files to multiple devices at the same time.
  • Available in 13 different languages

Duplicating data from old phone to new phone is just so easy with “Xender”

Want to change your phone but worried about your data transfer to new phone? No need to worry at all, if you have “Xender, Share and File Transfer”. It is a very simple and easy to use app. Your internet data usage can be save that’s a plus point because it does not requires internet connection. You can transfer all your contacts, messages, music, videos, logs and even apps from your old phone to new phone using “Phone replicate” function of Xender. The speed to transfer data is way higher than data cable or Bluetooth. Xender uses WiFi base protocol, one phone will create a hotspot and the other phones will join in forming a group.


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