[Free] Unlimited -Transfer and share videos, images, movie, music, apps and files

Are looking for one stop solution:confused:

Transfer high resolution images, videos, movies, music, apps and file with unlimited data usage and with high speed.

Good things come in small packages and so does Xender, file transfer & Share a very versatile application that comes in a really small file.

What it does?
Now swapping phone data can be so easy, just by one click through ā€œPhone Replicateā€

Transfer files to Android devices or iOS devices or vice versa


Connect to Multiple device at the same time


ā€œSlide to transferā€ is an interesting features that allows users to transfer images from one phone to another by sliding the pictures away.

Additional Features
[li]View you photos, listen to songs, and watch videos or movies.
[/li][li]File transfer speeds up to 50 times the speed of Bluetooth.
[/li][li]Give a ā€œbuzzā€ to someone or ā€œkickā€ someone out of the group.
[/li][li]Available in 13 different languages, including English, Spanish and Chinese.

Download it! Try it! Experience it!

Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.xender

App Store - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xender-file-transfer-file/id898129576?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8