[FREE] The Eye

Hello all!

I would like to present you our new android game: “The Eye”. Here is official trailer: The Eye - Official Trailer - YouTube

The game is now available on Google Play Store! Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SomaLabs.TheEye

It will be an arcade game set in the fantasy world (so we decided to put it here). There is a greedy dragon sleeping on a piles of looted treasure and the hero, who will try to steal them (player takes the role of hero). However, this is not as simple as it seems to be. Huge chunks of rock will randomly drop at the hero’s head. Moreover, “The Eye” of dragon opens from time to time and the player has to hide before the dragon wakes up. To achieve a high score player needs good tactics and skills.

Some screenshots:

Below you can find the process of creating the game:

Amateur sketch shown below will help you (or at least it will try) to imagine how the game will look like ;).

Final graphics will look more professional. Graphics should be ready in a few days, however, until they are not finished we will present the process of creating the game on such scribbles.

Do you like the idea? Would you like to play this kind of game? Or maybe you have an idea how to do it differently – better? Any suggestions and questions are welcome.
The game will be ready probably around December 13. Keep checking this topic if you are interested in the development process.


Nice… i like your idea

Thank you for your comment :).

Added the animation of a titular eye. We are wondering what to do with the eye. There are two options:

  1. The eye keeps opening randomly - the player must react accordingly quick.
  2. The eye keeps opening as the dragon’s anger increases gradually (there is a bar indicating anger levels) - the player has to hide in order for the dragon to fall asleep again.

What do you think about it?

We decided on an option where the eye keeps opening as the dragon’s anger gradually increases, with the player having to hide in order to decrease the anger levels. This option allows to minimize the randomness of the gameplay.

And here is another video. The eye opens only when the dragon’s anger bar is full. I think that we will be able to add the ability to hide by tomorrow.

As we promised yesterday, we added ability to hide, which will be used to decrease dragon’s anger bar. Anger bar will decrease very quickly if you hide (not like in the video - it’s just a prototype, I need to adjust all parameters).

Professional graphics of the titular “eye”. How do you like it? :slight_smile:


We made an animation of the eye. What do you think?

And here is animation of the character:

Đang có chị đang muốn mua Page https://www.facebook.com/amnhacy giá 818 K

Có bác nào trả giá cao hơn không?

Coi tại đây: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s3CmVgSVMKWNqpjtrxZTEeCvRPa0pRk3ux2EdBXjepM/edit#gid=0

Hello all!

I created a fanpage on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Eye-Android-Game/351672761680713

If you are interested in supporting the project, please ‘like’ and share with your friends :).

Done please return the favor :slight_smile:
Use the words “Drunk Locker” in your review.

Today I would like to present you the final version of the menu.

Only four days to the official release (time sure flies, huh? :))

Here is the official trailer. “The Eye” will be released tomorrow, stay tuned!


The game is now available on Google Play Store and it’s completely free! Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SomaLabs.TheEye

G+ and 5* rated as Jamie P. Please do the same for me here - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epicstudios.winterwarrior
Thanks :slight_smile: