[Free Puzzle] 15+Puzzle: Picture Puzzle with Puzzle Solver

This is my first Android Game.

15+Puzzle is an incarnation of the classic sliding blocks puzzle called, well, '[b]15 Puzzle[/b]'.

The [b]intelligent Puzzle Solver[/b] is it's USP.
It shows you one of the fastest ways to solve the puzzle.
This is the Only 15 Puzzle for Android with a built-in Puzzle Solver.

You can [b]create puzzles using your favorite images[/b] stored on your device.[/align]




Update: Version 2.0:

:heart: Picture Puzzle! :heart:

Now create new puzzles using images stored on your device memory or SD card.

I once made a sliding puzzle game applet for webpages years ago: Animated Sliding Puzzle
It uses an animation instead of pictures though, so you need to watch it some to figure out where the tiles should go. Are there any puzzle games on android with animations yet? Feel free to use the idea :wink: