[Free] Masturbation Calculator

Masturbation Calculator is an app for keeping track of the amount of times you have masturbated and earn achievements for them.

Here’s how it works, as soon as you masturbated, just tap on the “I just masturbated” button. The app will immediately save your progress.

There are also ACHIEVEMENTS for you to work on. Do you think you can go over a week without masturbating? Or what about masturbating over a thousand times? Masturbating in different countries? Do you think you can set a record?

Introducing LEADERBOARDS! You can now compare your scores against the the top 10 masturbators! Are you the best in the world? Do you think you have what it takes to become a true MASTERbator? Here is your chance to prove your worthiness!

Some other features include: Personal stats, Twitter sharing, Vibrator

I would really appreciate everyone’s comments and feedback! :slight_smile:
