[FREE] Hoverdroid 3D : RC Hovercraft game

I would like to present you Hoverdroid 3D, the first radio controlled hovercraft game on android!

Take control of a radio-controlled hovercraft in a park, with a skatepark, a water basin and a mogul field!
The hovercraft can drive on all types of terrain: earth, water, snow. And even in the air!
Equipped with wings, your hovercraft can fly like a plane, an aircraft or a glider!

This vehicle with air cushion does not touch the ground. It is raised a few inches with 3 powerful turbines that maintain it and stabilize it in the air.
This is the most multi-purpose vehicle in the world !!

Screens :

URL : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heuer.hoverdroid

If you find some bugs, tell me by email, and I will fix it as soon as possible !
Besides, all ideas or suggestions are welcome ^^

Have a nice day,

Please Rate, Review and G+ my new Free Santa Hill Racing Game - I will return you same things for your apps:

rated and g+ as Michal V
rate this game

Thank you for your rate. I am not here this week end, I will do the same for you Monday :wink:

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Thank you very much!

Done, reviewed, rated 5*, G+ and open app as “luke nguyen”. I will keep your app in longest time I can. Hope you can do same for me :D.
Please return the favor with keyword “ZigZag Galaxy Ball” in your review. :

Rated, reviewed and G+… as ‘Edward S’

Please do the same for my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.retrospectivecreations.wfc

Thank you!

Thank you for your rate, I have done the same for you :wink:

New update available :wink:

returned the rating and g+ as Mario Horn.
Thank you :slight_smile:

G+, Rated 5 Starts and Reviewed as Jamie P.
Please do the same for me using the keyword “minecraft”: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.minegames.minecraftdigger

Thanks :slight_smile:

Done, I rate 5*, review “I love it. Great game”, g, + by chau nguyen
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