[free][game] review and g+ this game and receive 2 reviews in exchange

Review, rate and g+ this game and you will receive 2 ratings[5*] for your app.
If you can, please make sure the review contain either of words: light, guide or game.
I will review your app as soon as possible


(edit) Please keep the app for at least 24h. I will do the same

I played your game,its very nice but difficult.I think you should make it a little easier in the beginning to let the user get used to it.Also,I don’t like very much the UI,but in game graphics are very nice.You deserve the five stars,very nice work!

Please take a look at my game… https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nickba.bouncychick.android

I rated, reviewed and G+ your app
My Name: .
My Message: Very Good App! Love It!

Please do the same for mine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motionpixtheater.nclex_cards


Done everything

rated and g+ as Michal V
rate this game

Done! 5 stars, review and g+. username Orlo.

This is my app. I hope you can do same for my app.

Done rate, review and G+ under name: Bach Do
Please do the same with my app:

Done under JonathanNgo please do the same for me

I Rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name Guide the light . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
don’t unstall my app a 7 day :slight_smile:


Plz use kyeword : chicken run game
chicken run

I did it for you under the name “Ritu Mohindra”
Please do the same for me!
Thank you!

Downloaded, rated 5star, reviewed and g+

I rated your app (G+ too) with nick ,Lukas Halaj"

Rate my app (G+ too)


I rated, 5* reviewed and G+ your app
My Name: zeus thunder

Please do the same for mine:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maentrus.frizzy.valentine


Thanks for cooperation. Some I had already reviewed, but that’s not bad I guess

Ok, I rated 5 stars and +1ed but I have to tell you the game lags quite a bit on my Samsung S3, and the difficulty is a bit too much. Try to tone it down a bit at least in the beginning.

My game is : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamesmakeyousmart.shufflemymemory

Just reviewed and 5* as “wex chevy” - please help with a review with keywords “shopping” “coupons” “savings”


Downloaded, rated, reviewed and g+ under name: Game Arena
Please do the same to my app (add words “connect” & “dots”) in description:


Done everything

Hi, is this including mine? From what name?

Yes, under names Darek Kontek i Dariusz Kontek