[Free]Exchange rate & Reviews - Business Card designer


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and comment with name and ur app here. I will do same for ur app

I rated your app (G+ too) with nick ,Lukas Halaj"

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Done rate, review and G+ under name: Bach Do
Please do the same with my app:

Done, review, 5 stars and comment. Name: Orlo, comment: Nice app! This is perfect and easy way to design cards!

This is my app, thx :slight_smile:

Done the same with name Yohannes reveiwed “Nice App Well organized & designed”

Done rating and G+ Name Yohannes

Not Done because I cannot download your app because in-app purchasing is not allowed in my country. You can give me other app link. sorry!

I rated, reviewed and G+ your app
My Name: .
My Message: Wonderful App! This is a very helpful app!

Please do the same for mine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motionpixtheater.nclex_cards


Rated 5* Reviewed Nice app Keep it up name delux d

Downloaded, rated, reviewed and g+ under name: Darek Kontek
Please do the same to my app:

rated and g+ as Michal V
rate this game

Reviewed, Rated and G+ as Pieter Veldman :slight_smile:
Please do the same for me

Puzzle Shuffle

Rated 5★ Excellent Nice and fun. name Delux D

I Rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name Jacques Bussière . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
don’t unstall my app a 7 day :slight_smile:


Plz use kyeword : chicken run game
chicken run

I Reviewed, Rated 5 and G+ as Anuj
Please do the same for my app…



I rated, 5* reviewed and G+ your app
My Name: zeus thunder

Please do the same for mine:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maentrus.frizzy.valentine


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