[Free][2.3+][Review + Rate Exchange]Asteroid Crash - Enemy from nowhere

I would like you guy to check out my new game. The objective is simple you just try to avoid the asteroids coming at you from any direction as long as you can.

Here is the trailer:

And here is the link to google play:

If you think it’s good, please rate it, thanks.
Have fun!


p/s: for anyone who review + rate my game, i will do the same, please let me know the name you use for exchange

Rated reviewed and g+ as PMobile Soft. You can return to this app, thanks…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pmobile.animalsounds

Thanks, just review back under name Luong Pham, pls check

no one want to exchange ??

Rated 5* and reviewed it as André T.
Good job with that game! Good luck.

Here is mine:

Reviewed an g+1

Hey. Rated, reviewed and G+ your app with the name “Dipesh Ramnani”. Please do the same for my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DR.Unsure
Please don’t uninstall the game, I’m doing the same for you.

Done with username Bo Tam. Please review my app : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weddingdress360

Done under name “Luong Pham”

I think your app is good itself. I would certainly rate and review it. Thanks for sharing

Hi i’m sorry for not respond immediately, exchanged under name “Luong Pham”

review and g+ exchanged under “Luong Pham”, and i will keep your app for about a month

Sorry but could you let me know the name you use for review. i’ll exchange review immediately, thanks

I have rated, reviewed and G+ your application under name “Shikher pandey”.
Please review my app. Do not uninstall immediately as review does not show. The link to my application is


Done under name “Luong Pham”. Of course, i always keep installed app at least few days :slight_smile:

Reviewed your game with 5 stars(its cherry).
My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=good.storyapps.spider_pranks_camera

I reviewed and rated 5 stars as Robert Pakowski. Here is mine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.robert.bubbleclick

5 star reviews with keywords and g+ given as Nik Merlino
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...torrentsearch2. Please do the same with mine!

sorry but your app could not be found, pls provide correct link

Your apps is done under name “Luong Pham”, pls check