Here are a few rules designed to help keep this forum a productive & beneficial place for all involved.
[li]Be friendly[/li]Treat others as you would like to be treated. This means no trolling, personal attacks, or foul language. Keep it polite.
[li]Post in the relevant forum[/li]Read the forum description before you post. Self-promotional posts are only allowed in the “Promote Your Android App” forum.
[li]Use the search function before posting[/li]Chances are your question has already been answered. Do a quick search before posting, to avoid duplicate threads.
[li]Go nuts with your signature - but…[/li]Please only link to Android-related sites in the signature. Personal blogs are fine, Google Play and SlideME links are fine, but don’t bother posting spam that is completely unrelated to you or the site. Signatures containing spam or inappropriate links will be removed.
[li]Only One Account[/li]Multiple accounts are not allowed. Just one account per person. If you have any issues or concerns about your account, please contact an admin.
[li]Use common sense[/li]We’re a small community here, and generally very willing to help. If you post constructive, polite dialogue you’ll find plenty of people who are happy to engage. On the other hand, if you’re looking for somewhere to go spamming your links, there are other places for that
[li]Last but not least… Have Fun![/li]Android Development can be lots of fun, especially when you share the experience with fellow devs. Hopefully by engaging with the community here you can all get a bit of enjoyment & motivation to keep up the good work!
If you fail to respect these rules, appropriate action will be taken. This may result in your account being restricted or banned, and posts being removed from the forum.
If you fail to have fun, your account may suffer detrimental effects including gloominess and an overabundance of Tim Burton.
These rules may evolve in the future as the need arises. Keep an eye on this post for future changes.
Feel free to contact me via PM or email if you have any questions or comments regarding anything in this post.
Enjoy your stay!