Firebird Games looks for Marketing Partners

Firstly, i apologize for the cheesy title. Not the most insightful. I know. Just trying to make it somewhat “impactful”. :slight_smile:

Anyways, let me first introduce myself: my name is Rafael Lima and I’ve recently became an indie app developer after quitting a safe job I had in a major game company for years and I’m here to offer anyone a potential partnership with my first app, Space Beats Saga.

In my newbie naiveness, I published the app completely independently and with zero marketing strategies. Ok, I know that’s probably the case of 90% of the indie apps out there but it turns out that I believe I have some good numbers to show. Well, relatively. I’ll go into that in a second.

The app is called Space Beats Saga and it’s available on iOS and Android if you want to check it out:

App Store:
Google Play:

My offer here is quite simple: I’m willing to give away up to 50% of my revenue to a potential strategic partner, who could take the app to the next level. All I need is a partner which can market the game properly and possibly spare some advices with the app landing page, ideal keywords, description, etc.

Space Beats is a free app and its current monetization system is based purely on ads and a “Remove ads” IAP. I’m currently using a third party “video-ad” plugin called Vungle. You can visit for more information about the ad system if you need.

The App has been out for 3 weeks now, being the first 2 weeks on a beta build. So far, the app has only reached 3.800 downloads on iOS (being 50% of that from East Europe during the first few days after beta launch) and miserables… 63 downloads on Android (basically just close friends). Here are the average numbers for the past 7 days since official launch (from iOS organic users only ):

(Daily numbers from Vungle’s dashboard)
Average Session Length: 4 min
DAU: 121
Session Count: 375
Revenue: $0.022 per DAU

So, i know that these numbers can’t be very conclusive since the amount of users that I currently have is really limited, and that’s exactly my problem.

I guess users don’t fall from the sky (maybe for some they do) but if you believe this app has any potential to become popular/profitable and would like to be part of it, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

[email protected]

Or if you’re just browsing around and have some questions, suggestions or corrections about any information I mentioned here, or just wanna leave your opinion about the app, I’m keen to hear from you.

Thanks everyone,
