Facebook ads ?

Hey , so i’m trying to rank my app to get some downloads , i’m not getting any downloads right now , so i was thinking of investing in facebook ads , cause i know that google won’t rank me unless i get some downloads , so i was thinking of 100$ as a start to see if i would get any kind of result
are facebook ads worth it ? and what type of ads should i go for ? per install or per click ? any advice to get the lowest possible coast ?
thanks for any advices

How are you monetizing your app? Paid app, admob, IAPs? If you think you can get a return on your investment, go ahead and try Facebook. Keep in mind that Facebook ads can get costly depending on your niche. There are other ways to drive organic installs for free:

Appstore SEO (see The Definitive Guide to App Store Optimization (ASO), Optimize Your Google Play Store App Details Page)

Try contacting app review sites and tell them about your app. If you’re in the kids niche for example, you can try going to Reviewing the best apps for kids. If we don’t recommend it, we don’t review it. It’s that simple! ? Fun & Educational Apps for Kids and tell them about the new app you just launched, and if they’re willing to cover it. Introduce yourself, come up with an angle and they’re usually willing to publish your story.

Hope that helps.

Hey Angela,

Before you invest in Facebook ads there’s a few things you can try to drive free traffic to your app. If you’re getting 0 downloads, read up on App Store optimization (ASO) techniques. You should be able to get some free initial downloads after optimizing your app icon and keywords.

You can also get some free PR by contacting app review sites or other sites in your niche and asking them if they would be willing to cover your app. Introduce yourself and come up with an angle. If you have an exciting app they’re usually more than happy to promote for you.

Here are some more tips.
What are best practices for marketing Android apps? - Quora

Facebook can be costly so I’d suggest trying the above first. Regardless, you should be implementing those strategies in addition to running Facebook ads. :slight_smile:

Hello droidaddict , i’ve tried to optimize everything , can i post my app here and you could maybe tell me what i’m doing wrong ? thanks

Hey Angela,

We are a new app company that does marketing, testing and reviews…give us a try!


Hi Angela,

Sure, that would be helpful.

should i go for pay per install or pay per click ? any advices on getting it on low coast ? thanks

I guess it depends on what type of app it is, and who is your target audience. my app is a game, which is free and I just did a small testing on faceboook with $10 over this past weekend, I did pay-per-install, got not one download… So I lost $10… even though I did not get one install, still got charged for the impressions through facebook :frowning: So facebook was a flop for me, so if I where you, I would not start with $100, start out as small as you can and build from their providing your results where positive… hope this helps :slight_smile: