Exchange App Reviews for my new PRANK APP

Hi, please rate my app wifi hacker prank :

  • rate 5 stars
  • Review having words like : " great prank app " , " awesome wifi hacker " , " random password " , " wifi password " , " fooled my friends " , " played this prank on my friends "
  • leave ur name and app link below for me to do the same :slight_smile:

have a great day ! merry christmas :smiley:

Done, G+ and 5* review “name : boukhari”
Please do the same for mine :


Hi, done reviewing your app :smiley: under the name loku poku . Cheers !

Done, I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm

Please do the same for me:


I installed and G+ and 5* rated as Luke Nguyen.
Please do the same for my app here. Search keyword “hunter toriko”. Thanks :slight_smile:

Done, G+ and 5* review "name : Karim "
Please do the same for mine :

Done as benedetto,
Please do the same for my app :

Done the same for you both :smiley: under the name Loku Poku , Cheers !

Done the same under the name Loku Poku :smiley: , cheers !

reviewed all ! expecting more :smiley:

done, 5 star under name Bimo Ramadhan
“great this apps perfectly fooled my friends, great work”

please do the same with mine:

with this comment (since it apps for indonesian market): “modern dan simple ui dengan fungsi yang berguna, terima kasih”

thank you

Done. g+, 5* and review. Name: Igor Trifunovic

Please do the same:

Done please return the favor :).
Use the words “drunk locker app intoxicated” in your review.