Emulator Installs

If anyone is familiar with the emulator BlueStacks it often asks you if you want to continue either pay $4 a month or something along those lines or you can download these 5 games and it will continue. The games just install in the background.

How much would people pay for installs like that?

I have download/rate/g+1 bot for bluestacks, needed only massive ammount of gmail accounts with passwords. I can say, it’s worth nothing because google counts retention, IP and localization. Mostly after use it, I had rate/g+1 erase or ban, also it’s possible to detect easily that app runs on emulator or real device :wink:

Good to know. Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

$4.00 a month? I never get asked to pay for bluestacks, supposed to be free. rarely use it though as i have like 10 tablets and like 20 phones, every month or so i buy a new tablet or phone. most just sit in boxes in the closet collecting dust, maybe i should put them on eBay.

Droidgenie, Use them to rate and review your apps.
Downloads+good reviews=rankings

People use bluestacks for creating bot downloadeder engine :confused: