EBOOK - Ultimate methods to earn more money! Don't waste time! Only x15!



good ebook :slight_smile:

Can these techniques in this ebook be applied towards games or just for simple apps that dont do really anything? I am making games and really not interested in spam apps. Even if they generate me income.

These methods are unique. They will work for every app/game. The only thing is that it should be published on Google Play to get the most increase in downloads and earnings.

Last 2 copies left! This is the last opportunity!

Now here is the thing that i cannot wrap my brain around.
As i can see you already have a healthy income from your app business. Why waste your time and energy to produce 30 page book that contains your secrets and only sell 15 copies of them? It will only net you 3750 dollars which is chump change comparing to the income you already should be making on your current business models/strategy.
Why do you risk all that good app income business just for a few thousand dollars? You only sell it to 15 people but since this is a text it can be very easily pirated and resold or torrented by another party. Thats a pretty big risk when you think about it. Especially if it could ruin your current app business model if thousands of people start to copy/paste it.

Something does not add up here.

Why? Simple answer: because I’m starting to develop really High quality apps (also on iOS). I will create games mostly. I’m very tired of making small, shitty apps. And most people who bought the ebook are developing spam apps. That’s why I’m not afraid. I’m also changing Android to iOS in couple months:)
And one last and most important thing - money is not everything. You have to do what makes you happy.:slight_smile:

Thanks for the honest answer :slight_smile: And good luck with the new business model.

awesome :slight_smile:

take me as your student, master:)

hahhaha very nice joke!:smiley: If you want - we can cooperate:D Just skype me!

Very good marketing offer for your apps: http://forums.makingmoneywithandroid.com/buy-sell/7281-google-1-plus-your-apps.html !

I have been developer for 2 years so I Iam pretty sure I know most of the stuffs in this book. 2 questions though:
1- is it only for spam apps? I develop quality apps
2-would you be willing to sell it to me for 50$.i dont think I would risk 250 for a book I would probably not use. But I don’t want to miss out too if it has one advice I can use
Let me know, have a been a long time user of of this forum as you can see


  1. It works for every type of apps, don’t matter if it’s spam or HQ apps.
  2. You are kidding, right?:slight_smile:

OP i have a question are sure google wont decline the account {Becuase i used to create multiple google accounts in multiple pcs and different cards } lot of times i get declined by google…in your ebook you covered how to byepass that?

is it still available? I was really a beginner as andorid developers, this book is suitable for me? how do I buy it? one more, you said it’s only can use on one computer, but I often use a different computer

I replied on our PMs, but I can post it also here: these methods are suitable for all developers. They are good for beginners and for professionals. About the license - we can extend it to more than 1 computer, details on PM.:slight_smile: Best regards!

— 10 chars:)

See… this was sold as an excluse book for a very limited amount of people. But if now if you extend this amount you’re basically scamming your buyers by reducing its exclusivity. Please consider it. Thanks

Hello everybody,

So we bought this doc and here are some of our conclusions for people wondering is it worth to spend 250$.

Before the shopping I asked author if his instructions help our game:


here is mmmkkksss answer:

“Very high quality apps. Nice these methods are available for all type of apps…”

So we bought it and read very carefuly. To make long story short, we found part of those methods (~60%) illegal or too risky to use. The other part we implemented is not working at all.

Increasing your download rate 5x seems like some kind of bad joke - this method is not current for sure.

Maybe this will work if you are willing to hide your identity and use some dirty tricks, for us it is only sad proof how sick is this market.


ps. if you need more info feel free to ask PM

You are really nice scammer:) this guy wanted me to pay him 200$ or he will write bad review and say everyone that it is crap. Everyone earlier can assure you that these methods are OK with GP policy. You are just a scammer, so go to hell.

BTW like I wrote in first post - "I’m not selling the Ebook for users without even 10 posts and forum practice lower than 1 week! " and also - the ebook is sold out.