Difficulties in Promoting Android App

Hi Folks, What are difficulties that you are faced during the promotion of your android app?

When my friend had developed his first application he was inspired to get a whole of installs and assumed his application would be standing out the other simular apps.

But as practice showed the main gaps which were accured and some expectations were not satisfied:

  1. Absence of testing. Before launching App in Store – you need to be sure it works properly, your app should be user friendly and work with no hitch.:cool:

  2. Advanced App Store Optimization. That is the head ache when you miss this step, you do waste your time while waiting the spike of downloads for your app.
    ASO(App Store Optimization) is the improving your App by keywords. Due to this – your app is ranked in app store search result and is visible for users who perform the search for your kind of app. The high quality providers of ASO isKeenmobi company (the reliable provider of app promotion service).:eek:

  3. Weak PR campaign.
    I really do not understand those developers who not do any effort to demonstrate his application for the world. I think your app need to be seen, checked and you need to get feedback from others to understand what you have done and what you need to do more to create something new and better. So for this reason you need to be in touch with your audience share with updates, be present on social networks, have your app page and site.

  4. Do not neglect the classic marketing tools.
    Use local magazine, publish an article about your app, cooperate with other businesses and exchange the promotion activities, place QR codes on different kinds of brochures and newsletter.

  5. Use email marketing
    Here you can use news hooks, spread information about your app updates, new features and different kinds of quizzes.

Hello, everyone, with the following methods, you can promote your android app easily.

Get Positive APP Reviews
When you promoting apps, one of the common difficulties is that you app have many traffics, but less downloads. Why? A survey shows that about 95% users will take the app reviews as one of the most important reference factors to judge the app, and most people prefer to download an app which has much more positive reviews. Thenget positive app reivews in one of the best ways to promote app. sers will be convinced when they see your app have gained many positive reviews from your former or existing users and choose your app.

Collaborate with influencers
At the beginning, you should increase your app visibility, the more people it reaches, the downloads your will get. You can cooperate with those incfulencers who are relevant to your app, they have a large number of fans, if they promoted your app, your app will get huge exposure. Most people prefer to follow others and be influenced by the words of some celebrities or well-known business people. So collaborating with these people can promote your app efficiently.

Consider alter app stores
Besides Google Play; there are various other app stores on the online market where you can upload your app. Data shows that, if an app is submitted on other relatively less popular stores, it will increase the expected downloads 200% more compared to Google Play. These are some very good app stores that you should consider:
[li]GetJar[/li][li]SlideMe[/li][li]Opera Mobile Store[/li][li]AppsLib[/li][li]Amazon Appstore[/li][li]AppBrain[/li][/ul]
Get Featured On Mobile App Review Sites
There are many sites you can submit your app, such as cnet,mashable, techrunch, app advice, appbrain,etc.If you get reviewed by a popular app blog like AppAdvice, you can expect a similar amount of traffic to flow through to your website and App Store listing. If you get featured on The Next Web, you can expect tens of thousands of unique visitors in the first 24 hours to hit your website and your app store page.

Hope those methods are useful to you.



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The main obstacle the app developer faces with is the lack of traffic and getting visible position to grab users’ position - the foremost task for each of them:eek:

Being in the front of user attention is the prime task at the beginning of the app publication. This period is important for traffic generating and boosting the position in order to be visible for organic users and get the organic downloads due to making interest in the Store:cool:

MoPeak presents the most working solution to make your app visible and get a significant result. Incent traffic is the most efficient and practice method which affect the algorithm directly.

great answer!