
Just bought a one year package of Andromo as I saw lots of potential in making many quick apps. However now I see that you can only display an ad once every 10 minutes. My apps are basically reference purpose I highly doubt anyone would even spend more than 2 minutes in my app. So now I can only show one intersitial which is beyond stupid. I feel like I may have wasted a lot of money and was wondering if anyone is experienced with Andromo and knows monetization techniques, I’m awfully surprised they put a limit on it, pretty strange.

With a combination of banners and interstitials (the 10min counter is kept for the next app open so if they did not get an interstitial in 2mins, at next app load the counter will work for 8more, i hope it makes sense) there will be some revenue still. Do not be disappointed…why not try make apps which could keep the user for longer?
Moreover, even if the app is used for 2mins only, if you have many users you still get many views-so promotion is important too.

With some html knowledge you can make apps with custom dashboard and other kinds of monetization. But i really think soon you will find out that with some creativity and work you can have good apps with revenue that will make the andromo subscription seem amazingly cheap. I actually had enough ad revenue to cover my andromo subscription 20 days (and 4 apps online ) after my payment of the subscription.

I got interstitials to go less than 10 minutes. My apps are basically game guides and wallpapers and stuff so people don’t have it open for long. That’s why 10 minutes is impossible for me.

That’s understandable but you could always find new kinds of apps to work on if the ones you make are not that profitable. It is too early to tell… i am just trying to say you shouldnt get disappointed. You never know what the revenue will be anyway. Give it some time. Also, you could try ask andromo staff for a possible change to allow for interstitials more often. Prob is, what if a user stays in the app for a bit longer, do you really want to bombard him with ads?