Company or Individual?

I am thinking about opening ad company in European Union and there are some barriers:
-each time when user want cash out, he have to send invoice to ad company or written order document
-there can be VAT problem, I don’t know how exactly works currently but probably user have to pay VAT in his country
How it can works legally in EU? Ad company is buying ad space in app > user is sending invoice > company is paying for space > user is paying VAT if he is european union resident. All are happy except user.

Question in poll, you are company or individual?

The difference between your customers being individuals with sole proprietorships and companies should be negligible, in EU they need to have VAT ID. The (potentially huge) problem is developers who don’t have a business and small businesses based in EU that don’t have VAT ID. VAT also shouldn’t be that problematic as long as you are dealing with B2B transactions. I don’t know how to deal with individuals without business at all, especially when they are from outside my country.

I myself have a sole proprietorship - “jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza” and have EU VAT ID.

In which country do you want to start the company? In some invoicing might be easier than in others (in Poland it’s the old fashioned paper mostly, and might be hard to avoid).

Myślę raczej nad przyszłością, nie teraz, trudność w markecie rośnie z roku na rok i byłby to naturalny kierunek, w którym chciałbym się poruszać. W Polsce jest właśnie problem, jedyna konstrukcja, która działa to firma<VAT>firma, można zatrudniać niby cudzoziemców, ale muszą oni podpisywać za każdym razem umowę o dzieło + dostarczyć certyfikat rezydencji ze swojego kraju. Nowoczesny biznes to u nas problem. Dlatego się pytam z ciekawości, ile osób ma firmy. Możliwe, że w przyszłości, za rok, dwa, będę szukał swojego miejsca na rynku sieci reklamowych. Już teraz trudno wybić jakąkolwiek appkę, za rok, może być to niemożliwym bez dużych inwestycji, jak ma to miejsce teraz na iOS.

In PL everybody who earns reasonable money from Android must have single-person company. It doesn’t have to be like this in other EU countries.

Only company always. No individual

yes, i am working As individual but with out company i can not grow myself as big group or team. Both are need