What the best way to have people test out your app when it done like something like TestFairy.com for beta testing?Well anyone welling to test out my app when it done i try to find a way i can test my app on all device for android?
In the developer console you can setup a beta test, you upload your APK to the beta test section in the APK part of the console for your app.
That with other people you mean and how do you do it?
This is private and only people with link can download it right?
I’m not sure if there is an absolute “best” way to test out your app, but there are certainly several options along with TestFairy, and you may want to try a few. Aside from trying it out yourself and having friends/family do the same on different devices, I believe some reputable sites even have free trials like this one - Apptimize | Mobile A/B Testing for iOS and Android. Improve Your Native App Codelessly in Real-time - so perhaps try something like that? I’d throw in a few more links, but I think we’re only allowed 1 per post! Perhaps do an online search for ‘free app testing’ as well! Hope it helps
What about Fabric is this good for beta testing but the prob is finding beta testers for it?
Thanks to share, but i use help of salvus App Solution for all type of application testing. This provide great mobile app testing services. Now you can also contact.
This might help – ios - How to send new build to tester in fabric? - Stack Overflow
Promote it on facebook lol… seriously their are many social medias and sites that can help you…
I am looking for beta testers:)
Promote it on Facebook like Facebook groups?