Best network to promote $2 app

Hey guys I recently raised the price of one of my apps to $2. Now I thought about advertise this one, as many people just use the free version and there aren’t many sales for the paid.

What’s the best way to advertise a $2 app? What’s the conversion rate on e.g. AdMob? Do you have to pay more, if the user actually installs it or do you only pay per click on that ad, no matter what the user does else?

Sorry for all these noobish questions but I never cared about advertising until this morning when I had like a little vision of spending $20 to get $30 (or sth like that xD).

I am not aiming to gain a download count that gets me into top - paid. It’s just about the direct sales (of course, being a paid app in the middle of 9 other free apps in top 10 would be cool, anyway).

Thanks in advance, Alex

i used app brain but it only allows campaigns for free apps, you can also advertise on facebook(i used 25$) , till last month they charged on cpc basis , so i got 1 install only for my 2$ app , now though you can create a CPA campaign so you only pay for the actual install.

Thanks for your answer!

CPA sounds great - I don"t know anything about facebook, can you send me the link to that?

Cheers, Alex

sign up over there, create a new app and hit the Promote app button , then you need to create your own image/video for the campaign… :slight_smile:

Cool thanks I will try and report my values to you guys.


It depends upon your target audience, e.g. if you’re looking to promote your game in country like Brazil and the ad network (which you prefer) has least domination in that region (mobile traffic), then it’s not worth it.

If you’re targeting globally, then I’d suggest you to try Smaato or AdIQuity. I’m using AdIQuity and with them I make 50 cent to $1 eCPM.