Beep - make a joke to a friend or relative

When you install the application and push button “START”, the application will start making beep and vibrate as if you have received notification or SMS, But when you look at the screen, it will be empty.

  • You can change the interval of repetitions
  • You can change the number of repetitions
  • You can choose from different sounds
  • You can switch the vibration on and of
  • Automatically hide the application when you press the button “START”
  • If the telephone is restarted while the application is running, it will start running automatically to finish the number of repetitions
  • The application has fun sounds with high quality
  • If you like our Application the please Rate our Application with Stars and with helpful review
  • If you find any bug in application, please mail us, we will fix as soon as possible


I gave you g+, 5 stars and a nice review for your pranking game (as Rick) :wink: ! Good luck with it.

Could you rate my game and use the words “deadly” and “dodo”?

I Rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name Jacques Bussière . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
don’t unstall my app a 7 day :slight_smile:

Plz use kyeword : chicken run game
chicken run

if you done before tell me i send you ohter app

thank you

I installed, gave you 5* g+ and comment from “Nguyễn Thùy Dương
My Message: good app
My app:

Thank you very much!


Just posted a installed, reviewed & shared on G+ under “MikeTolsa”

Hope to get the same favor back !!!

link -


Thank you guys. I installed your applications and gave them 5 stars, comment and G+.

Rated 5 stars, reviewed and 1g+ as “Edward S”.
Review: "Great little app for making repeated notification sounds. Give you an excuse to get out of any group of people or friends. "

Please do the same for my apps:

Thanks a lot.