ban hammer striked :)

so as title states , the ban hammer has striked on me today !
i was using copyrighted names as app titles , and boooom , shooted :smiley:
now whats next ? my admob and play are not associated? can i still use the same admob with a new play account ?


did they shut your account down?
did you have admob in the apps that were taken down?

are you admob employee?

Good one, nice trick question, everyone knows that admob doesn’t actually employee human beings, only drones, so if you are asking if I am a drone then the answer is no

yes only admob
i dont think if it is wise to get a new play or to go look elsewhere in other markets,
what does your experience say ?

for how long your app was live on the market? from what I know Google takes down very fast apps with copyright names in it, so it might have nothing to do with the wave of bans other users are experiencing with ad networks sdk’s.

fast? look here, some of them are from 2012 :slight_smile:

Well I was referring to BIG names(Temple Run, Fifa, Forza…) :smiley:

It’s the first time I see that “monster high” is a copyrighted name, I guess it’s not as widely spread as the above names. Or maybe I live in a cave and never heard of it :smiley:

It’s probably depends on country. But it’s same in disney category or hello kitty where there are about 100+ apps with that name.
So i wonder what name asmina22 use.

all apps with wallpapers from games use copyright names also

I guess there is a difference in using copyright names AS app titles and use copyright names IN app titles. He said the first one. Let’s see :slight_smile:

ok ok, maybe that was the reason :slight_smile:

it was IN app titles
and yes there are tons of other apps on the market with same names as mine, and i still see them alive on market

There is a possibility that it was just a competitor developer that reported on you. :slight_smile:

So, what stops you ? Sue them :smiley:

who can sue big G :slight_smile: i will sue my competitors :wink:

I tried report them too but GP dont do anything with them.
They still alive