ASO is a correct way to promote my apps in app store?

ASO is a correct way to promote my apps in app store?

Working with the myriads of applications of different categories and size I do need to say that without [b]AS[/b]O your app is really doomed to failure.

KeenMobi company propose effective ASO tool which help your app (both in Android or iOS Store) improve Visual Word Recognition. This mean your app will increase the ranking keyword position, be suggested to people who are looking for your type in search page.

ASO procedure should be accompanied by Rating and Reviews as this signal users about reliability of app and convincing them to download the App.

Please follow the site to check available possibilities to promote your app in App Store and Google Play: KeenMobi.

Of course, it’s the correct way to promote your app.

App Store Optimization, which aims to increase your app visibility on the app tores. There are two methods to increase your app visibilty on the app stores with app store optimization, details as following.

The frist method is boosting app ranking on the app stores. Generally speaking, most of just browsing the top 10 apps, then if you want to your app reach to much potential users in the app stores, boost app ranking is one of the best ways.

To boost app ranking with app store optimization, the most important part is getting the right keywords. Here are some ways to get keywords:
[li]Analyze competitors - The easiest way to get keywords is analyzing your competitors. [/li][li]Search suggestions - One more simple way to find valuable keyword is by typing keyword letter by letter in search bar or search engine. [/li][li]Rely on app reviews - You may get some good keywords for your app with this method.[/li][li]Check related app descriptions - It is an easy way to easy way to find targeted keyword which have been used by your competitors. [/li][/ul]
After getting keywords with the above methods, you should evaluate the traffic and difficulty. For a new app, you should target keywords with low competition and lower search volumes first. You can use App Store Keyword Tools to analyze the keywords to get the best keywords - There are may app store keywords tools you can use to find best keywords, such as SensorTower,App Annie,App Tweak,Appcodes,Search Man,etc.

After getting the right keywords, you should place them in the following text field to increase your app ranking:
[li]Keywords Field[/li][li]App Title[/li][li]Subtitle[/li][li]Description(Google Play)[/li][li]Develoer name(iOS)[/li][li]The name of in-app purchase(iOS)[/li][/ul]
The other way to increase app visibility is increase app keywords coverage. The more keywords your app covers, you more chances it will get to be noticed and installed. Follow the following methods to increase keywords coverage:
[li]Replace Spaces with Commas in Keywords[/li][li]Avoid Repeating Keywords[/li][li]Use digits not words[/li][li]Use Shorter Keywords[/li][li]Wipe off connectors and stop words[/li][/ul]
Besides increase app visibility, you should also get positive reviews to increase the download rates, about 95% users will take the app reviews as one of the most important reference factors to judge the app, and most people prefer to download an app which has much more positive reviews.

Hope those methods are useful to you.