Arena Daemon multiplayer integration (iOS + Android)

hi everyone, i m trying to use arenadaemon sdk (ArenaDaemon - Home) to build a multiplayer game for iOS. i successfully retrieve the tables list and also the registration goes fine
but i cannot understand when a match starts.

how can i hook that event?
thank you!

in order to create a match with 2 or more players, you need each player register to the same table.
when the table is full (no seats left) the match automatically starts and each player receive the event (for iOS)

iOS : - (void) arenaPlay:(BDArenaPlayConnector*)connector matchDidStart:(BDArenaMatchData*)matchData;
Android : public void arenaPlayMatchDidStart(BDArenaPlayConnector connector, BDArenaMatchData matchInfo)

once a match starts, you can exchange messages between player calling the methods you can find under ‘Managing matches’ paragraph of the documentation
(ArenaDaemon - Detail References | ArenaDaemon - Detail References)