Appodeal is a scam?

My experience:
For me Appodeal is a scam. Never got any money from them, they just suspended my account.

I got this email from them:

We have detected abnormal activity on your account. The players from your application do not have activity that is typical of real players, and we see a violation of the Appodeal Terms and Conditions. Your login, publishing, advertising, and payment capabilities have been suspended pending further review. If you try to log in, you will see an error message that your ‘user is not found’ because we have suspended your ability to login.

If you believe that this is a misunderstanding, please respond to this email within 30 days with any information that may help.

You may direct any questions or follow up information to us at[at]

Of course I was very surprised when I got this email, so I wrote 2 emails at[at] I didn’t get any answer. Then I contacted their live support and the guy told me that because my apps were suspended from Google Play so was my Appodeal account also.

Google suspended my apps before and I have more than 10 different ad network accounts(mobilcore,MM,Startapp,admob…) but never got suspended from any of ad networks before.

So guys if you are afraid that Google will ban your app(90% of app developers) don’t use Appodeal because you won’t get paid.

I am very disapointed and angry at this ad network.