AppKey for Android

Have you heard about AppKey ? ?

  1. AppKey is an out-of-app monetization & discovery platform designed exclusively for Android.
  2. AppKey is the first to combine the hyper-local potential of home screen advertising with the user incentive of free apps and content.
  3. AppKey is (and always has been) compliant with Google’s new ad policy because its a fast and easy opt-in model.

Please check out our 90 second AppKey intro video or contact us about our compliant Google ad policy.

Sounds interesting, but I couldn’t find anything on your payment model or rates.

I like this, after watching a video I have a few questions

  1. what happens when the user installs your appkey on their homepage, gets premium content on my app, and then uninstalls your appkey from their homescreen?
  2. what are the payout structures, is it ppi, is it cpm?
  3. what are the payment terms and how fast do we get cashout?

Thank You Toxic! I will do my best to answer your questions specifically.

  1. When a user installs appkey onto their homepage, only at that time will they be able to “unlock” or “obtain” premium content from your AppKey enabled app. If the user removes the AppKey widgit from their homesceen, they no longer would have access to premium deals, offers, etc.
  2. & 3. Regarding the payment model… we work primarily on a rev-share basis. AppKey earns revenue via mobile (global) & brick-and-mortar ads (US only for now) shown on the homescreen and in our app. This revenue is passed through to developers that earn the install and help retain the user. If just one AppKey-enabled app is used on the phone, the developer earns the entire rev-share. If more than one are used, the revenue is split based on the measured usage of each app. So user behavior is what determines the rev-share.
    We are also testing PPD & CPI models for apps that are a good fit for those. Eligibility is on a case by case basis.

Please send me an email and perhaps we can go over in more detail?