Appbain Integration ...

Please tell me how to integrate Appbrain Ads, I do not get ID of App in my Dashboard? Where do I get it. If you have sample code, please give me. Thanks.

ID not needed - ads shows is bound to package.
On “Apps - All apps” need tap by “Add SDK” for your app.
And this app will be added on “Monetise - App this SDK”
In your program you can show ads

Appbrain have excellent support “Help - Contact us”
For sample see “Help - Documentation - Publishers FAQ”

While we don’t work with Appbrain just yet, Enhance™ will allow you to easily integrate SDK’s in a matter of minutes.
Check out some more of the networks we work with and see all the features Enhance™ has to offer by clicking the banner or links.

Good luck!

You don’t need an ID…