App Position Finder

Ever wondered where your app ranks in Google Play? Tired of scrolling down and counting how many apps are in front of yours? Now, simply enter the search words(what somebody would type in to find your app), the actual title of your app(exactly how it shows in Google Play), and the developer’s name to find out the rank of your app! Try different search words to see if your app ranks higher or lower.

*Even though entering the developer’s name is optional, it is recommended, especially when there is more than one app with the same name. If you do not enter a developer name and two apps have the same title, the app with the highest rank will show.

*This will search through the first 500 results that would show up in Google Play. If your app is not in the top 500, it will not show up. Also, please check your spelling or try different search words.

*This app currently only searches the US version of Google Play.

*This app was developed by me, mostly for myself, to find where my apps are in the market. There maybe some issues dealing with special characters in app names. If you find any bugs, having problems, or would like new features, please send me an email.

*App is free and ad free! If you like the app, please leave a positive review and check out my other apps! Maybe I could actually see them move up in the market some :slight_smile:

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