Is your app in top charts?
but it doesn’t explain why my other apps download rate suddenly dropped ?
actually sudden decrease of download happened to all of my apps
Exactly Same has happen with me too … and also i found lower revenue in Admob @BeenHere
Yes. Admob has seen a big drop too. This is not good. I even went to the trouble of contacting Android Dev Support, first chat and then email. The Chat guy (as expected) indicated that this does not look right and escalated it. It was apparently looked at and of course they said it was all ok and the backend was working correctly. Plus even less of a surprise was that they said that Nothing had changed recently at all. Yeah… Right! Meanwhile my revenue is circling the toilet.
ok now I’m really concerned.
30-40% Revenue drop for me yesterday. ecpm down + downloads of my best app decreased significantly …
same issue one of my apps drop 73% less downloads!
i am starting to have also a lot of problems with the admob fill rates in one of my apps…since a few days i started to have in that one (and strangely only that one…which “accidentaly” is my best one) fill rates of 60-70% for the single interstitial add i have in there.
Today it has been tragical…25% fill rates…am i the only one with this problem? and definitely it is not a problem of “too much traffic” since i have 2k-ish ads request, not billions
I am very much worried about the issue as I am facing the problem too from the 21st of November, the first phase of the decrement started from the July or from when the playservice library is integrated. But these decrement is just unacceptable as because 90% of my revenue and download with huge fall of impression dropped and facing a huge loss. If this is not being figured out instantly then have to switch the service to someother ad service provider. This is too much.
what kinds of download numbers are you guys accustomed to seeing? are we talking like 10k downloads per day dropping to 2k downloads per day or are we talking 50 downloads per day dropping to 10 downloads per day?
FYI, i am seeing increased holiday activity across all apps, increase in eCPM and overall revenues as well since after Thanksgiving in USA
@toxic For me, it is almost across the board 90% drop. So my main app which was 1000 - 2000 downloads per day for a long time (steady app released in 2011) has now sunk to a dismal 100 - 200 downloads per day. Other apps that were 500 per day are now ~50. Some are worse and some are not quite as bad but are still at ~75% drop.
Conversely, I have 1 app that did not move much either way.
My game was 3000-4000 downloads per day … after 24 Nov its decreased to 1000-2000 per day :o
Our app stats has suddenly dropped too. about 90%. did any of U guys contacted google regarding this matter ?
Yes, I contacted Google Dev Support as mentioned in previous post here
Of course they deny there is an issue and also claim that they changed nothing… What a surprise. I wonder if there is anything to be gain by an organised effort to contact them on mass (not sure there is a mass to organise mind you). Would have to make a enough noise to get any attention I suspect and not sure it is even possible.
I did try to repport a bug in the developer console 2 months ago… the support first told me that all is OK… Then I did screenshots where they can see the problem… the support told me that there is no problem and the data is show in US central time or something like this… the problem was that the developer console shows three bugs… the data for the last day is shown in the top - 28.April … so then when you choose COUNTRY the graph belows shows the data for 27.April… so up is selected 28th but the data for COuntry is 27th… the last place is the total and active user in the Apps List… after the data for 28 April is available in the Statistics for the APP the active/Total installs are still for 27.April … need about one hour to update the active/totall installs for 28.April… Google SUpports SUCKS big time
I am fighting sudden download drop too, based on toxic post we can assume it is not a common issue. I was thinking what we could do and only what comes to my mind is to find some common denominator for affected apps. Maybe it has something to do with country, ad network, app lifetime or something similar, I do not know but I think it is worth to make some comparison. What do you think ?
yep. I think thats a good idea. how about posting this issue on a official google forum
thats a good Idea. I’ll start
We from indian sub Continental. this affected to my communication apps.
Can anyone tell something positive? I am in a huge loss, Dont know what to do