Anyone else here make more than $25k a day?

Is this with purely Admob banner + interstitial ? If not, then it may say less about the app, and more about the ad network (i.e. may pay better or worse than Admob for the same ad presentation strategy).

Further complications if the app is using StartApp type ad networks - i.e. where the ad revenue is not related to session-length. With Admob (or any other ad network) where banner and interstitials are being shown - they both should yield more revenue on average if presented for a longer period (more likelihood user happens to notice etc.) - and also if the interstitial is not only presented once - but perhaps say once per 3 minutes or something. It could be argued that the banner revenue is perhaps the MOST likely to linearly scale with session-length (since they are always visible and directly helped by session-length 2x, 3x etc.).

With StartApp-type stuff - the revenue does not go up for longer session-length - and thus if an app is deriving revenue from such ads it’s “DAU seconds per revenue” figure may start to unravel (i.e. may make less sense).

I guess one way to describe “DAU second per dollar” figure would be as a constant (in a ballpark kind of way) that could be (if it is stable - which it seems to be i.e. ranges from 5000 to 13.5K from anecdotal evidence thus far) could be used to JUDGE how much your app SHOULD be able to make (using Admob banner + interstitial ads).

You just supply DAU, session-length (average - as reported by Flurry or Google Analytics) and you should be able to judge what revenue you SHOULD make with Admob banner + interstitials - within a factor of 2x or so …

yes I agree, thats why I used all the possible formats. I didn’t notice a single video ad when using my own app though

yes this is only with banners and interstitials in between important features of my app. i am not using anything else and all my apps are solid 4+ star apps, nothing illegal or spammy.

I got to admit one thing though, I am not new to this. I used to have a 2 hugely popular apps (a few years back) that hit 300k DAU between them and earned me a lot of money. At the time i was only using banners and thought I was invincible. I quickly learned that my revenue was nothing to Google and they shut me down as fast as they made me “rich”.

Here are some screenshots. Thankfully I saved my flurry logins
App 1


I’ve struggled for the past few years, I was mad at google and the whole android eco system, didnt want to make apps anymore because i thought there was no end point. Had a few failed startups in offline world, started and sold a few websites and now I am back at making apps again.

Right now I am making 10x to 15x more per user than what I used to make at my peak back then. And android has grown about 10x to 15x since those times as well :slight_smile: I am no where close to DAU numbers I used to have but I am at a steady growth, my apps are solid and improved, I have less risk of being booted from the market again and most importantly, I am now using mediation which is AWESOME for times like when google decides to throw me out of google play again (hopefully not).

I learned a lot in the recent years, both in personal and business matters. I learned to eat top ramen noodles and budget myself, and thats the most important part I think. Forums like this did not exist back then and I had to try and fail at everything to learn anything… so this is the difference from now and then.

my question is how do you guys even get apps to stay on the market these days…yet alone make 25k a day…I put up apps with 0 SDK 0 Ads / Work properly / Nice UIs / my own screen shots and description and they get deleted within 24 hours for the last week

@affliatex: uhh… your LEGIT apps get deleted ?

Yep…all my junk crap ones stay…for example…my photo collage app…it actually works…isn’t just a copy or someone elses…has it’s own custom UI etc…Deleted within 24 hours…custom icon/splash and everything…same with a slide show creator I have…or a hash tag app…but if i throw up a fake flash app or a fake w/e it stays fine.

Infact I put up a real app this morning…just checked…it’s gone…but yet the crappy fake flash app I threw up 4 days ago is fine.

I want to make the market a better place by having real legit apps made that work and look nice…but when google keeps saying “no we don’t want that” …why the hell would anyone waste time making real apps? when they clearly like junk over quality…it’s not the SDK or ads…I’ve tested it…0 ads/0 SDK/0 trace of any monetizing and they still get rid of it…but a flash app that rapes the user with ads they want? wut.

Anything to do with the APK size ? The substantial apps being bigger in size ? Do they cut the apps in first few days of posting (perhaps based on the user response ? - unlikely). Possibly your “good” apps you make extra effort to get keywords into Description and that is what trips it up ? (while the “junk” apps you may not put much in Description). Is there some other common factor you can identify for the good and junk groups ?

Is it possibly your previous “reputation” (since Google has infinite memory) has put you in a “high risk” category and the screening algorithm is being extra aggressive (plus has a faulty algorithm bug in it).

Were there legitimate reasons for the app ban back then - or was Google as flaky as it now reported to be with it’s app bans ?

Was Android easier to reach top apps in 2010 (did ad networks give better money per impression back then ?).
You are making 15x more per user because your session-length is 15x more (i.e. better, more engaging games ?). Android growing 15x probably ALSO helps (though apps has probably grown also). But you are saying that you have started to appreciate the value of higher-engagement even if DAU is not that high - as a good way to improve revenue - interesting point (since we all seem to be excessively fixated on download numbers - when engagement improvement may insulate developers somewhat from the “hard to discover” issue on both Android/iOS).

BTW regarding growth of Android - I was looking at a chart of growth in apps and growth in users (I don’t remember the link) - but it seemed to me from the curves that perhaps the growth in users may rise now at a faster rate than growth in apps (i.e. one was starting to look exponential vs. linear for number of apps type of thing). If so, this would bode well for developers (who often hear that explosion in app numbers is going to harm revenue possibilities). However, much of the growth rise in next 1-2 years will probably happen in Asia/low-income groups and I don’t know how much that will help revenue (unless ad networks mature in places like India or China - and enter the Admob network etc.).

im no where near high profile…theres dudes doing 25k a day…im no where near that…doing a few K a day and doing 25k a day is way different…why would they waste their time on me…im a no body…its not like im injecting peoples phones with malware…just running a banner and smart wall if that and no nothing yet…the junk ones are stuffed with keywords where the clean ones have next to none besides a features list and little description which shouldn’t be a big deal

Maybe the photos you used were copyrighted? What was the reason for removal?

no they were made by my designer…no suspension email it just says important notification about your google wallet…ive tried a few different suppliers…prob just a bug…who knows

But how could Google now, that he did not buy the right to use them?

Someone might have used DCMA to report them. Even fake DCMA. But it looks more like the whole account was banned because of previous violations maybe?

That is weird and unfair. This could happen with every app, event the successful game of Matthewek.

exactly…infact…some fag put a bunch of my legit apps under “Bad apps” on reddit a few weeks ago…apps that weren’t even spammy or anything…only 1 of them uploaded…no copyright…no nothing…just a bunch of fags who didn’t like my apps so they reported them…but yet they are perfectly fine with a bunch of fake flash players…anyone who reports other peoples apps just “become” is a low life human being and karma will get you

I dont want to get into the past, but I think Google is more ban happy these days than it was before.

I believe I am making 10x more per user because android and mobile has matured as an industry, there is just more money to go around and advertisers figured out how to make money off mobile traffic. Back then it wasnt the case, clicks were going for pennies, eCPM was terrible for any country and there were no interstitial ads… or any other ads for that matter, just banners.

It was much easier to break into the top obviously but it was also much harder to make a positive ROI so you needed a ton of users.

On engagement… yes I think this is more important than ever. I like to get people back into my app so they can view that extra banner, click that extra like/share button and get their friends to use my apps. I’ve been focusing on small changes that drive small improvements, like 5-10% better engagement at a time. Those small things add up and next thing you know, you improved your engagement 2 or 3 times and got more downloads as a result of that.

Very, very true.

After Google updated their policy in August I set about optimizing how ads were appearing in my apps and added extra little tweaks to UI etc here and there. The result was my revenues barely took a hit during the transition, which goes to show if you don’t need to use out-of-app solutions to make good money (in most cases). Of course you still need a good amount of users and reliable ad units etc, but if you take the time to really optimize and tweak things it can pay off big time.

Not applicable for battery widgets and live wallpapers. However for live-wallpaper ad on click on wallpaper is considered as … in-app or out-of-app ? Only Google knows.

If an app IS the home screen (wallpaper apps) - one would think putting floating “More Apps” or some such thing maybe ok (?).

I’ve corresponded with a few people and have learned a lot. If you make more than $10k/day and want to discuss strategy, please private message me. It will be mutually beneficial.