Anyone buying source codes?

Hello all,

I would like to invite you to check out our newly launched site (CodesStore) and get any source code that suit your development needs. We are now offering sign-up bonus, that you will get $2 off for every purchase of at least $10 and can get up to 5 purchases. This is a limited time offer till end of Aug 2014. There are even some free source codes for you to download - especially if you are interested to start developing for IOS.

Even if you cannot find the suitable source codes for now, I would encourage to sign up for an account now and you can use the discount in your future purchases. Please bookmark our site and check out often for latest source codes that coming in to our store, fast and furious :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading and for your support.

If you are developer, and would like to sell at our site, please feel free to PM me for author bonus (by invitation only - means you don’t get to enjoy it if you sign up direct). Cheers!

Best wishes,


Hey all, more codes are now available at CodesStore - Wide Range of Mobile App Source Code - please check it out. Don’t forget to sign up for free and get instant discount under current promotion. You may want get some free stuff available there too for both IOS and Androids.


Best wishes,


More and more codes! both IOS and Android source codes and templates. Check it out. CodesStore - Wide Range of Mobile App Source Code

Hello all, thanks for all the support for Aug 2014 offer and results are commendable! Just to update Sept 2014 offer is coming your way…stay tune :slight_smile: for those who wants to enjoy the offer before others, you can PM me and I will send you the invite. Cheers!
