Airpush weekly payments

This is the only company giving a steady CPM of 1-2$ to me since i started Android. After a year of effort Yesterday was about to get my first airpush weekly payment. Haven’t received it yet. Has anyone else received? I’m excited about first weekly payment.

There was a day’s delay but Received my first weekly amount :D. Thanks to Nick at airpush to resolve the issue even on a weekend :slight_smile: i see airpush got the best customer service n perfect management. airpush shall always be my first n all choice.

got mine yesterday to my bank account, You sure your getting a weekly payout? Did you meet the requirements?

Yes bro i was making 400+ $ per week since 7 weeks now. And this is from bundle 1. Idk why the delay :frowning:

what amount of cpm your receiving from airpush?

Payment is not delayed. Ask you AM to add you into weekly payment program. It’s not always automatic! If you don’t know your AM, ask @AirpushNick on this forums or use support on Airpush site.

They added me 2 weeks ago to weekly. The payment date also showed 6th March. But no payment. Spoken to Nick, he still has to ask

Also it’s depends to your bank! Note, that payment sended on Friday, have 3-4 working days to be delivered into your account. Check tomorrow, if you are on list, there is a huge chance that will be tomorrow on your account.
I have the same bank brand as Airpush, so mostly I have it instant. My friend have it on Mondays. For paypal I don’t know actualy.

Yeah i use PayPal. Mostly i feel they have mostly forgotten about my payment. Since i was new to weekly.

So wait for Nick, I don’t know if he works at weekend. It’s 04:30 Sunday in LA, so probably you will wait some 30 hours :wink:

God have to wait long time :confused:

Hey Kingloki,

I did request for you to be added to weekly payments, I think the requested might have gone in a little late. I’m waiting to hear back from my finance team and will let you know ASAP.
