Airpush Weekly Payment

I was wondering if Anyone got their weekly payment today for April 4th, 2014? I did not get any of my payments today so I was wondering if anyone else received thier’s. I see nothing in the console for delayed weekly payment only for the monthly one.

Same here.No payment today.

Haven’t received mine, though I sometimes get them the next day. Wouldn’t worry too much about it. Airpush generally comes through.

Haven’t received mine, and I got a banned app yesterday because Airpush ADS (“we have determined that your app contains ads that impersonate system notifications, warnings, or functionality”)

I just had Dialog Ads and Banner in this APP. Maybe is not allowed the dialog ads anymore, I dont know. This is the third app banned this month.

Look at “Payment Details” section

The minimum earnings to qualify for weekly payment is $300/week in case of Bundled SDK and $600/week in case of Standard Pub SDK.The user after reaching the minimum set earnings will be included in an approval period of 30 days, the user has to qualify for the weekly during these 4 weeks, after which the user will be paid on Net 7 basis thereafter. Until such time, the user will be paid on Net 30 basis.

Im due over $3000 from my 2 accounts. And I am on old weekly payment system from 2011 so I get weeklies regardless of amount I even had a weekly as low at $9.79 in the past.

Google does not allow TEXT Dialog ads anymore, but does allow banner dialogs. you were supposed to have until the 15th to fix your apps though, Or you could have used the wrong SDK, what SDK did you use? I have standard and Bundle1 and no issues here.

You received your weekly payment today?

No I haven’t which is why I made this thread.

Looks like delay caused by their work on payment system.

Also no payment here :confused: Airpush, come on! I have business, taxes to pay, etc. There are not amateurs here :confused:


This type is allowed? I talked with Nick from Airpush, and he said that is. That was the dialog type was showing in my app.

yeah those are ok inside the app, since user can close it out.

I was told a slight delay and payments should be processed by end of today which means we should get by Monday.

Hey everyone,

Net7 payments this week will be slightly delayed due to a system upgrade. We will provide further information as soon as it’s available. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, please feel free to reach out to your respective AM, me or support.

Airpush Nick

I got this as well

just heard back

payments will be out in a couple hours

rest assured

Some bank will process right away while others like mine should do it on Monday.

Thanks DroidGenie, I was informed as well and was just about to post.
Payments will be released in a few hours. We appreciate your patience.


I don’t received my payment weekly too… I look my dashboard payment next payment 04 - aprl 2014 yesterday.

Hi Eyuswap,

We already spoke about this that your payment will be released at the end of this month.
