Airpush stats Screwed Again?

Same ,
they are really giving me hard times

night is darkest just before the dawn…dent

I am very angry

7th day and counting. Good luck guys. We really need it I guess

they said me :


Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Our concerned team is working on enhancing the dashboard in order to
bring advanced features due to this you might see incorrect or
stagnant stats on your dashboard however we are keeping everything
tracked and the correct data will be populated very shortly.

Your co-operation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Airpush Support[/i]

You a the big guy, i have wrote them, but just receive auto message. Hope this all true.

The real problem is that the advertisers also don’t see stats for couple of days. : )
Even if reports from developers account are crashed, the advertisers account works proper, until now.

Good news, at least. They should post that message at the top of the page. It is not cool not knowing what is going on.

And they paid me april revenue… payment department is working… :slight_smile:

Why doesn’t Phil comment on this ongoing issue?
Phil Phil… u there?

Holy sh%$!!! Airpush again is effed up with stats!!! Can someone please fix asap???

New SDK launched, now including banner.

I hope dashboard get fixed soon…

Another site I use (Elance) was down for a few hours the other day. The director of the company emailed all members and offered an full explanation and apology. I can’t believe Airpush has been down for a week now and absolutely no feedback for members. Shows how much they care! why can’t they post a message on the site to inform developers to ease their concerns? Some would be wondering if the company is having financial problems by now. At least today (finally) there is movement on the site - but still no stats! :confused:

Another mail to airpush … Same answer !


Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Our concerned team is working on enhancing the dashboard in order to
bring advanced features due to this you might see incorrect or
stagnant stats on your dashboard however we are keeping everything
tracked and the correct data will be populated very shortly.

Your co-operation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Airpush Support[/i]


I got the same answer :confused:

You can try see report in Dashboard: Set table date range ->Last 7 days-PST.

For me it’s show half of normal. The next week payment is: 31-May, so after that day we all know what is the truth.

lol they are complete idiots, instead of showing us wtf we are earning and get the dashboard to run, they are releasing a new sdk with banner ads, seriously WTF? I’M WAITING NOW ABOUT A WEEK FOR THE STATS TO SEE IF IT WORKs IN My new app or not

we know what the thruth? do you really believe what you said? :smiley:

Lol fuckin new app… :smiley: There are people who are making 1k, 5k or even 10k $ daily and they have no stats also! … stop crying with new apps and shut up and wait

Pending Earnings

This is a joke?

A new app with Airpush SDK, not completly new app to the market, It’s my main income. So keep the ball low.