AerServ SDK promotion - Receive 20% more revenue!

Hey Guys,

I wanted to share some good news. Here at Aerserv we are offering our SDK promotion, all publishers who integrate our lightweight SDK in the next 30 days will be eligible for our bonus and receive 20% more revenue.

Benefits of our AerServ mediation:

  • support for 40+ ad networks such as: Admob, MoPub, Applovin, Chartboost, Unity Ads, Vungle, AdColony etc. The majority of our supported networks are via S2S.

  • Thousands of brand based campaigns for rewarded video, interstitial, rich media, mobile banner and VPAID

  • Our auto yield optimization and simultaneous ad calls ensures minimal latency, laser fast delivery of ads to your users resulting in optimal user experience.

  • Various forms of integrations: SDK, API or ad tags.

We’ve had a huge Q2 and anticipate a very strong close of the month. Integrate today and receive 20% more revenue. See full details here -

As always feel free to message me directly: [email protected] or Philiptse85 - Skype