Admob's new rule:Do not place interstitial ads on app load and when exiting apps as i

Thank you very much!!!

this is gonna be a big hit on revenue for a lot of publishers

I am trying to dig through Developer Policy Center

Ad Walls and Interstitial Ads
Interstitial ads may only be displayed inside of the app they came with. Forcing the user to click on ads or submit personal information for advertising purposes in order to fully use an app is prohibited. A prominent and accessible target must be made available to users in any interstitial ad so they may dismiss the ad without penalty or inadvertent click-through.

I don’t see anything about interstitials not being allowed on app launch, i am assuming its ok to have interstitials on app launch, just not with AdMob at this time?

hey guys “Interstitial ads that appear before the app has opened or after the app has closed.” as this quote saying before app has opened how about showing ad after app opened and content loaded. and ad before exit like if(adloaded) loadad() then finish() is it OK with google

any chance you got any reply?

Not yet.
But assuming policy from google - we can show on app launch, but like splashscreen before we show our app. But not sure - wait for reply from my Account Manager.

waiting for your account manager reply :confused:

You can show full-screen at the entrance only to users who have used the program for several days. Bots and even people will not notice the presence of such a banner.

In one week ago, Google removed my three applications because of intellectual property violation and then Admob sent three emails to notify that they disabled ad serving for these applications. After that, I fixed these errors and resubmitted them and Google Play accepts. After these applications go live, I sent three emails to Admob and complaint about my correction. Luckily, Admob enables ad serving for these apps again. I am wonder that after Admob disable ad serving due to loading interstitial ad when app is loading, possibly admob could give us a chance to enable ad serving again after removing interstitial ad when app load?

For now. I bet it will change to mimic adMob rules, as always.

I have admob Interstitial ad after 7-8 seconds of app launch (App launches first).

when user presses back and app is about to close, there is again Admob Interstitial ad.

Are these ads oki or i shall do something to start starving and die from hunger?

well i have updated few apps 7 days ago and they all are fine without any warning mail from admob/google.
shall i wait for some warnings or please suggest?

You should remove these ads because you break two rules:
#1: App launch or app exit
#2: Interstitials that unexpectedly launch (Don’t surprise users with interstitial ads. Placing interstitial ads so that they suddenly appear when a user is focused on a task at hand (e.g. playing a game, filling out a form, reading content) may lead to accidental clicks and often creates a frustrating user experience). After launching app, user expects to use the application. Similarly, when user presses back button, he or she wants to quit app. So if we show ads i think that we violate #2.

However, this is my personal opinion. Please discuss more to find a best interstitial implementation

Thanks for your quick reply.

In following policy link, they have given a disallowed example of app launch interstitial

If you have got a chance to look at the example, it says that if ad loads before app content loads, then it is disallowed.
However, nothing is said if a sudden interstitial ad is appeared after 7-8 seconds of app launch.
Though it is a surprise, but by that time user must have clicked on something inside the app and those clicks will bring the ad.
Policy says that interstitial ads in apps may appear after few clicks made by the user.

I agree for exit ads, they have said it clearly for them and i will remove all of them on exit.
In return, i will reward users 4-5 interstitials in between the app browsing to improve his/her experience. (This is what admob says better user experience. M*Fs ).
I will chose this as revenue compensation for exit ads.

Any suggestions?
how you guys are compensating for exit ads? any plans/view/visions?; then finish(); –> This is my code, and the same as you say.
But admob says violation.

I just uploaded an app where I load admob interstitial 2 seconds after launch, it got approved and it is online.

probably, splash screen => interstitial => mainActivity is not allowed

What about a Quit button where the first time the user click you show an ad and the next one you quit the app?

the gif showing that user exits as first step and then showing ad after app closed as second step…but we are doing if(weconshow) show after this exit from app

what do you mean?

I saw the gif image and it says:-

  1. User exits the app
  2. Interstitial ad is shown (It is not allowed, because user is expecting to see the home screen now and App context is over)

So ads are only allowed during the app/game, not after them. I think they are cleared on this.
do you have any other point on this?

I studied the policy page and summarized it in following points in case you any of you has missed that:-

  • Ads must appear during the scope of app/game only. No ads on entry and exit.
  • Min 2 actions(including back button) from users are required to show a interstitial ad.
  • Showing a interstitial ad immediately(few seconds) to user after another interstitial is not allowed.
  • If you are implementing interstitial ads based on a time interval (e.g., every 60 seconds), avoid using brief durations in between interstitial ads.
  • Don’t surprise users with interstitial ads. Sudden appearance of ads may lead to accidental clicks and frustrating user experience.
    For this reason, interstitial ads should only be implemented at logical breaks in between your app’s content.

Any idea what is the dead line to incorporate this policy compliance ???

Can we use MC ads on exit or its for all ad networks?