Admob vs ChartBoost

Hey guys!
I have made a game for IOS/Android devices using Stencyl, and am wondering which of the limited number of ad companies whose extensions are available in Stencyl I should use. Out of all the available options, only admob and ChartBoost are available for both, although RevMob and Vungle are available for Android only, and I am open to integrating different ads for each OS. What I am looking to do is have a banner during gameplay, as well as a full screen interstitial every 10 deaths.
Any suggestions / Combinations? Let me know.

Well, on Android both of them are crap at the moment, as well as revmob and vungle. Chartboost and Vungle are awesome on iOS though. Since you don’t have any choice I’d suggest to use both on Android, Chartboost and Admob. You can show primary Chartboost and fill the rest with admob, because in Chartboost you can do optimizations to block out low paying campaigns which reduces the size of your adpool. If no Chartboost Interstitial is availabe fill it with an Admob one. One tip: Don’t use banners. They are an awful experience for the players and wont earn you much money. You will earn much more from interstitials, especially in a game. Instead of every 10 deaths, show it every 8 and you will still earn more, even without the banner. Thats better for you and the players. On iOS I can highly recommend you to use vungle video ads between stages. You will earn 2-3 times more with video interstitials than normal interstitials.

Ahh I was afraid of that. I had indeed read about how admob is giving very low rates, however not much about ChartBoost regarding the same. I will definitely take into consideration your suggestions- do you think it would be practical to either
1)Put an Interstitial on Start up (though I’m afraid it will annoy users from the get go. Am I worrying about nothing?)
2)Play the ad when the user tries to exit the game using the return/back button on the phone.

I will use only chartboost in this case, and try to eliminate banners altogether. I initially wanted MobileCore/StartApp, however for that the person must have good knowledge of Java to integrate it. I had even put up multiple PAID ads on various forums if someone could do it. We got but one reply, and he has been “trying to do it” for a few weeks now.
Thanks again for the help!
If anyone has anything else to add , or feels that I should explore more options, please let me know

P.S- If anyone thinks they can integrate MobileCore/StartApp interstitials into a Stencyl game, please contact me. You will be paid a non-reducible fee for your services

We only show startup ads from the second bootup onwards, doesn’t make sense to show a splash at the first start of the app. Not sure about ads while exiting.