Admob refunded all my payments!?

Good lesson here is to use different bank accounts for different purposes.

So it’s been 4 days now and they still haven’t corrected anything. I’m still -$500 in my account. Admob has absolutely no phone numbers I can find to call them and sort this out. Has anyone had any luck in getting back the money Admob stole from them? What do you tell your bank (in my case BOA) to have them refund you your money?

Do you know how Google tracks the invalid click activity? I know there’s tons of click fraud nowadays and I’m really curious on how companies like Leadbolt, airpush, and admob are combating this.

Now admob has returned the -$300 they took, plus another $300. I’m up $300 now on the admob roulette wheel.

How did this end up for you guys?

GOOGLE worst company ever, refund money after took it back nothing correct until now, closed admob account, emailed them about refund got response:


Your legacy admob account shows disabled/deleted. Please be advised that we cannot issue refund if your account has been disabled/deleted.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Google Billing Team