Admob refunded all my payments!?

Someone, likely several someone’s lost their jobs over this for sure. Google/Admob refunded all of my transaction as well - across 4 different credit cards, bank accounts and paypal account to the tune of just over $117,000.00!!! dating back to my first payment to them in Feb 2012. I spoke with several other advertisers I know as well, one who used paypal to do just one transaction of a few hundred dollars, and another larger one who was refunded a little over $16K. Massive massive screw up!

Unfortunately for me this triggered all kinds of problems, especially once it was “fixed” with payments going out on payroll and wire transfers for other payments with my accounts set to auto-sweep from savings accounts to checking, which did not occur because of the large positive balance, when then late last night ended up not being a positive balance when they took it back.

I say took, because it’s intriguing how they “reversed” the transactions. They did not cancel or reverse the original credits (at least in my case with Google Wallet was used to process all the charges) which one can see happen all the time on credit card statements with errors of a duplicate charge, or a clerk mistypes number or decimal point. Usually before they clear, the charge is corrects, reversed, edited or canceled. I have merchant account and am familiar how that process is supposed to work. In this case, that is not what Google did - they actually made new charges for all the amounts credited (over 90 separate transactions total) after the original credit had CLEARED and posted. I was curious how that was possible so I called Visa, and Paypal Mastercard both and was both surprised, and NOT so surprised to learn that even at the customer service level they were aware that Google had contacted the payment cleaning houses and took it all back. Obviously I expected that they fixed their mistake - when I found the issue for a split second I thought it would be a very merry Christmas, obviously something this large would be corrected, but was surprised at how they fixed it. After talking to Visa and Mastercard, my banks and Paypal I asked them to explain how, since these were not reversals, how someone could make new charges totaling $50K, $30K, $6,000 etc to cards that had nowhere near that level of daily charge limits and to explain how/why they were done this way and not as a reversal. They could not, or would not and the only option for me to get them to look into it would be to dispute the new charges so an investigation could be started and look into it. Obviously I’m not going to do that as it would be a futile excessive and a waste of time since the credits were obviously in error, and odd process or not, the new charges balanced it out.

One of the other people I know that used Paypal directly - not using the Paypal debt/credit card to fund Admob, but actually sending a “cash” payment via email transfer was refunded $500, then again, not a reversal but an actual new “payment sent” draw out of the Paypal balance send back to Admob - again, should not be possible to do it that way as far as I know. Seems to me that violates all kinds of account policies on how money transfers and charges/reversals are supposed to work.

Scary to see how the admob system bug or human error could somehow click “refund everyone everything for all for all time” instead of “refund un-used balance”. If this happened across the board to everyone who used prepaid traffic accounts this mistake could have been in the millions, 10’s of millions or much much more. It’s also scary to see the real power behind companies like Google and Apple (anyone remember the incident where an engineer lost a 2nd gen prototype iPhone at a bar, and Apple sent their “security” team to “retrieve” it back from the person who found it?) how fast they can go into financial institutions and get them to do things in ways that should not be possible to fix in they way that they did it. Crazy…

Other than an accounting mess I have to clean up now and a waste of several hours trying to contact Admob yesterday (to no avail), my banks, Google Wallet, paypal etc to find out what the heck was going on, it was interesting to see the backdoor machinations of the whole process.

Another interesting point - Nothing in Google news about this. I wonder why :cool:

Now this is starting to freak me out. I am gonna email this thread to a couple tech blogs, see what they think about it…

Sounds massive and scary how much power money allows them to hold. Thanks for sharing.

Yea - I had the same thought. I already sent it TechCrunch’s way.

I am also facing this issue. Transactions on my account also involve USD/EUR currency conversions; this probably means, I am about to end up with negative final balance?! Is there any way to prevent this?

And another concern: How does one explain such “unusual” transactions to tax authorities?? Explanation from Google/AdMob would be necessary, but there is none so far.

Yes, the payments google originally sent had already cleared before they took it back. Since the “refunds” cleared, what if we had spent the money, before they made the “withdrawals” to our accounts? Also it’s scary to think some developers may be losing money from this because of currency conversions.

Not to mention charges by banks etc. Different accounts can incur fees when receiving large amounts of money in lots of places. I hope Google steps up to help these people out at the very least.

Today one of the original deposits from google is missing from my bank statement (as if they reversed it or something). But the proceeding withdrawl/debit charge for that amount, is not missing, and my balance is showing negative now. I’ll have to talk to the bank tomorrow. Right now google has taken $300 from me.

That is how the “corrections” should have happened, likely the reversal/charge will also auto correct itself when the bank holiday is over and the other charge will cancel itself out as well so your account will not actually end up negative for that day, but you will need to watch and make sure that your bank does not charge you an overdraft fee for the few hours before it corrects itself and evens out- likely they will not, as they should cancel themselves out, but with the bank holiday over Christmas here, if your account is “negative” for 24 hours they might charge you, and then you will have to call and get them to fix that. My Paypal account did end up negative, as I sent a payment out that day, that would have typically came out of an auto transfer from my bank account, but since I had a large positive available balance because of Google’s “refund”, it was sent out of available funds and not a transfer, which when it was “corrected” by Google, resulted in my Paypal and backup bank funding source both being unusable, and with the holiday, likely until Thursday or Friday - maybe even next Monday before the correction transfer clears.

But even if you do not get charged a fee, your account, just like mine IS NEGATIVE and cannot be used, so that in of itself is a big issue for allot of people over these few days.

WHERE is Google’s response in all this for these issues and time is is taking US to deal and respond with all the various problems and possible permutations, that for allot of the world is a holiday week (and for those that it is business as usual, its even more of an annoyance) that we will all deal with because of their screw up?

It’s Christmas night GOOGLE/ADMOB and I’m dealing with banking issues that are work related AND HAVE NO WAY TO CONTACT YOU DIRECTLY ABOUT THIS REAL TIME. That does not make my wife happy, which in turn does not make me happy…

I gave you my money in return for a product and service, and this is how you take care of your customers over Christmas?


I cannot believe that they did this to so many customers over the Christmas period, I was left in DR on the 20th and missed automatic payments.

Google Admob were completely un-contactable for the whole Xmas period and Google Wallet (I called them 3 times for over 2 hrs) were nothing short of rude and completely useless.

How Admob had the ability to debit accounts more then credit accounts (even for a 24hr period) needs to be investigated.

What company decides to process refunds (globally) three days before Christmas???. Was there a smart reason that benefited Google for this timing that perhaps backfired on them?

If Admob had a call centre I could have contacted on the 22nd and got some answers from, all would be ok, but going through Christmas not having a clue what was happening has infuriated me, cost me time, money, missed payments and I still have no idea what refund I am due.

Lets be clear on this, Google did not email anyone with the exact amount of their refund due?

I look forward to my bank managing this from this point forward as I have done everything I can to contact AdMob, Google Wallet were useless and my bank has agreed to investigate the charges when I ask them on the 22nd.

I believe Google Admob will try and keep this issue very quiet but once all old Admob customers get back from holidays and realises whats been going on with their credit card, debit card and paypal accounts, expect an uproar from these customers.

Big Fail AdMob, suggest you get a helpline set up for Jan 2nd and allow us to access a person for once seeing as you have managed to pull off one of the biggest errors I have ever seen an ad network commit in the last 10 yrs.

Below is the latest update from Google.


24 December 2013: Legacy AdMob refund FAQ
What happened?
We are in the process of shutting down the original legacy AdMob as we move to the new AdMob platform version. As a part of this process we are working to refund unused balances on the original platform.

Why do I see ‘Google*AdMob’ billing activity on my current credit card statement?
Between 19 and 20 December, Google issued refunds to your AdMob account for more than your unused account balance.

To correct this error, we will be reversing these incorrect refunds with corresponding transactions for the same amount.

There may be some accounts that have many instances of ‘Google*AdMob.’ We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Is there anything I need to do?
No. We are working to correct errors and will be refunding the correct amount in January.

When will the correct refund arrive?
The correct refund will show up on your credit card statement in January or February depending on your account billing cycle.

how this whole thing ended? has google corrected this all to zero and will attempt a second refund in Jan? what about currency differences (or they were not relevant?).

As far as it concerns me, the current situation is:

  1. Caused me loss due to currency conversions. Final balance of erroneous transactions was negative. The amount is not big though, but hey, it is my money that disappeared from my account.

  2. Google wallet (used to pay original advertising services) shows all zeros (everything refunded). Nothing about taking money back, therefore inconsistent and not reflecting actual business events and transactions.

  3. Instead of getting some contact info to resolve issue, we were given a link to some useless unrelated FAQ page.

  4. The whole thing makes me fill really badly. Besides having a history of mistaken behavior of their payment system (proves can be found on this forum), I strongly disagree the way how they acted, particularly how they took their money back. I am considering it at least as a questionable business practice.

Right now I’m out $300 for one of the payments they cancelled and withdrew. Haven’t had a chance to talk to my bank yet.

Google screwed me over good today.
Around Dec 20 admob refunded me $4400 in multiple transactions. then few days later they took $2700.
This gave me $1700 refund which looked ok, since I deposited around 200-300K into admob over time.
Today I woke up and found a -14K in my BOA account after admob decided to batch rape my account with 120 transactions for around 17K.
My Bank of America that gives me a fraud alert every time I make an extra purchase just let them have this, no problem oh Google Gods.
I called my bank today and did a claim, they didn’t give me temporary credit pending investigation like the usually do because of the amount and the number of transactions, blah blah, and it can take up to 90 days to get my money back.
I spend the whole day today trying to figure out how to run my business with no money.
I can go on and on about how much $h1t, grief, nerves and money this has caused me, but I don’t have time to whine.
I’m not the type to sue people, but they are going to pay for this.
not even out of principal, the $h1t just got REAL.

([email protected])

Holy s**t what a nightmare! Particularly BoA looks really bad in this one. Aren’t there rules and regulations? I’d try to contact some tech blogs so something. Unbelievable.

yea, thechblogs are busy running shit stories about snapchat and bitcoin. good luck with that!

That was only the beginning

  • another 20K today
    over -40K in total
    I have no words to explain what I’m going through to try to work through this ****

Thank Google

Maybe describe it on reddit, send it to your local newspaper, ask some bank controlling organisation in your country for help?

Just registered here to say that the same thing is happening to me…

Well not nearly for as huge of amounts, but I woke up to a surprise “-$500 balance” text from BOA today.

I checked my statement online and as of today there were tons of Admob credits and then charges. They added about $1000 to my bank account and then they took away $1500+ leaving me $-500. It says they were from 12/19 but they all only showed up on the statement as of 1/9/2014. Bank of America fraud protection line didn’t do anything to help, they said something along the lines of “well you must have some business with Google for them to charge you these”