Admob Mediation

Dear fellow developers,

as posted before, I’ve got several apps in the GP store and I’m earning around 25 euro’s per day (using Admob banners and interstitials). However, as reported by other fellow developers, the income has dropped in the last few months. Therefor I’m taking my first step in the world of ‘Admob Mediation’ with the help of the network Flurry.

However, It’s unclear to me what to do exactly. I created a Flurry account and added the credentials to the Admob Mediation section of the Admob console. Now the state says “Pending”. Do I have to add libraries or code to the application? Or does the library of Google these network included? Please give me some directions :slight_smile:

There must be some flurry adapter SDK for Google/admob.

You must add their JAR into your project. Get some time and read FLurry site carefully. There must be detailed procedure for this in their site.

Go to flurry account
download latest flurry sdk
go to admob mediation page, download flurry android mediation adapter
follow integration guide given by flurry ( just need to add relevant jars and entries in android manifest )
go to your app on
go to your ad unit
click on mediation
add flurry network
add flurry key when asked

choose your fill type (admob first or flurry first) by setting ecpm value

and you are good to goo
Please test before you publish app on store