Added Interstitials Admob and have banner and performance is bad!

I added Intersititals thinking it will improve performance. But it seems like Banner and Interstitials has not changed anything.

I have Interstitial coming up once when you start the game, then banners comes up 4 times, then 1 Interstitial, then repeat 4 Banners. etc

Out of 3000 impressions, I suspect 500 are interstitials. Yet I have only 1 click for either a banner or interstitial.

Terrible results, it’s depressing.

Do you have separate ad IDs for banner and interstitial?
Your impressions aren’t enough either.
I suggest you give it few days to get decent metrics, enough to judge the network’s performance.
Maybe some 60k spanning between minimum 3-4 days would be enough to judge performance.

That might be an idea, create one for Interstitials

Seems like I was using a Legacy ID, I created Separate banner one months back, but was using Legacy ID for Banner and Interstitials.
Atleast now I can monitor each one. Maybe Clicks and Earnings might increase using the new Interstitial ID.

Any improvements since fixing the ID’s?