Ad network with immediate dashboard update

The quality of an ad network can also be measured by how often does the dashboard updates Since I am on a spree for finding good banner ad networks, I had to use revmob and tapcontext (despite poor feedback) and I was in for surprise:
revmob : $1.25 ecpm
tapcontext; $2.3 ecpm

Above numbers are for banners only and that too with 100% fill rate (because both these networks always show same ad. tapcontext’s armor for android is world famous)

Other new networks which didn’t update within 5 mins of integration:

Hope this helps you guys. Will write a full blown blog post on this topic shortly.

What’s that $2.3 for? 1000 impressions? Might just have to try TapContext banners if that’s the case.

yes its ecpm

I think he’s asking how many impressions you served when you recorded the $2.3 eCPM.
Obviously if you’d served 5k impressions that would be a really good indicator that the eCPM is true, as opposed to just 500 impressions, for example.

oh! its for ~2500 impressions. Tapcontext’s dashboard also shows how many devices have the app version with tap context’s sdk installed on it.

do you know if their SDK is flagged by AVG Antivirus as Intrusive Adware?

no it is not (at least for banners). Tested on my device with AVG. Not even most of those ad detectors have placed a check for Tapcontext and revmob yet.

tapcontext pays out weekly? is there a criteria to qualify for that?

i don’t know about you guys but im getting terrible revenue from tap context. in my case im getting $0.80-1.50 ecpm. but very low revenue. for me, i think they have poor fillrate

yes. confirmation from me too. After sending 10000 more impressions to revmob and tapcontext, the revenue has gone done to $0.5. And I had to remove them to give way to startapp.

Pls. don’t bother integrating revmob and tapcontext. What will you do with updated dashboard when you don’t see money coming your way, just increase in impressions. Tapcontext seems to have only one advertiser (some armor antivirus with odd looking banner and landing page)

Startapp is giving $6ecpm for inters for U.S. traffic after 5000 requests. For asian traffic, getting ecpm of $1.14 from startapp inters. But then admob inters also giving same results as startapp inters.