3rd Party App Stores (Opera / 1Mobile / Getjar etc etc) free or paid apps, IAPs?

Hey folks,

So currently I just publish to Google Play and some to Amazon (amazon not very good downloads though, although I have not put many apps on there for us)

Regarding 3rd party stores, as an example, 1Mobile or Getjar, what is the situation relating with free/paid apps on there? Do you only put paid apps (no ads) on there? or do you put free apps also ? If so, what about those that offer In-App Purchases, how would that work/if at all?

Or do you just make your free apps fully functional, but with ads…?

I know that Amazon, you have to link only to apps on the amazon store, and if you link to google play, it is not allowed, and they also have their own IAP system for Amazon.

Thanks :slight_smile: